Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fall And Winter Research Has Turned Up Some Interesting Finds

The BCSO has been and continues to be doing extensive research in and around the lower lying areas of Strathcona park ,Courtenay and Campbell River , looking for any signs of Sasquatch activity .
We started heavy investigations in these areas back in September of 2010 and have continued right up to as recently as February 26th/2011 . We are very interested in the relationship between the Sasquatch and elk herds . In doing our research we have read reports and theories that the Sasquatch follow the elk as a potential food source . Secondly we have also researched the possible theory that the Sasquatch moves further down the mountains during the winter months to possibly get out of the heavy snow cover . Finally the BCSO also believes that the Sasquatch may be more active in lower lying areas during the late fall and winter months because human traffic is at its most minimal due to the more extreme weather conditions ( heavy rains , flooding , snow , cooler temperatures, etc ) .
Looking at the reports which we have received coupled with the reports we have found online , the BCSO has discovered that Sasquatch related incidents start to climb between May and Sept and taper off between Oct and April .We believe this is due to weather conditions .As the snow melts and the rains decrease every year , people start to venture into the forests of the pacific northwest to hike,camp and fish . As the human traffic increases it encroaches on the Sasquatches territory , therefor increasing encounters between humans and the Sasquatch . During the cooler wet months the human traffic drastically decreases coupled with the snow forcing the Sasquatch down into lower lying areas.The Sasquatch would also have more confidence that it would not have a human encounter.
If these theories are true then we drastically improve our odds in the late fall and winter months of having a Sasquatch encounter in lower lying areas.
To date ( between Oct/10 and Feb/11) we have found 4-possible tracks in 3-different locations , numerous twisted and snapped branches , some oddly over layed trees  , numerous elk and deer skat , elk rubbings , cougars tracks , bear tracks , elk tracks , deer tracks , raccoon tracks , beaver tracks , rabbit tracks and wolf tracks . We have found some prime habitat areas in which a  Sasquatch could live and move around in with a minimal chance of ever having a human encounter even during the summer months .
The BCSO has even taken a witness into our search area who claims he may have stumbled upon a  possible Sasquatch nest.
We have made many trips into these same search areas during heavy snow falls increasing our chances of finding tracks in the snow.
All in all the investigations in these areas have turned up some interesting finds but still no concrete evidence that the Sasquatch remains in these areas during the colder wet months .

BCSO : The following pictures are a small sample of our fall and winter research ,



Deutschland said...

Seems so foggy in the upper picture the snow is coming already..

Lee said...

Some of our investigations have been extremely foggy . The fun part of investigating year round in the pacific northwest is all the weather we face