In 1993 I was driving with 2 of my brothers near comox lake when in front of us a Sasquatch walked across the road .It was during the early morning hours and we could see it from head to toe in our high beams approx 20 to 25 feet in front of our vehicle. We came to two conclusions, it was someone in a suit or it was a Sasquatch? I Remember looking at it from head to toe and recalled it was pretty much all covered in fur or hair ,even the tops of it's feet were covered. I have told many people my story over the years with mixed results,some laugh ,some ask me if it could have been a bear,lol....that one kills me.I've seen many bear and know beyond a shadow of any doubt that what I saw was definitely not a bear. Some people seem very interested in what I saw. I have even told my story to a wildlife biologist. Over the years I have thought many times about that night and it has truly made me a believer .Picture above was taken near Comox Lake (Courtenays side)in the Comox Valley.
Link to my full story : http://thesearchforsasquatch.blogspot.com/2010/10/comox-lake-sasquatch-2-full-story.html
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