I know that my search for Sasquatch was provoked by my sighting years ago.My belief in Sasquatch was not only due to my sighting but by the research I have done in the 16 years since.I have watched numerous documentaries and also read many books on this subject.I have watched the famous Patterson-Gimlin film,the Redwood footage,memorial day footage,Tofino footage,Freeman footage and many other video's.I've read so many sighting reports that it's made my head spin.The further I get into this subject the more curious I become.I can tell you that based on all the evidence that is out there that something very strange is happening.The non-believers out there will tell you that everyone that has had an encounter is imagining it,seeing shadows of something else,seeing bears,lying,people in gorilla suits and/or many other things.I for one believe that all the above things I have listed have happened but in the same breath based on the shear amount of sightings and evidence that there has to be some substance to all of this.I can tell you based on what I know I have chosen to believe and to also actively do something about it.I can also tell you what I don't believe about this subject.I don't believe that the Sasquatch can dematerialize,come from a different dimension or that it was dropped off by ufo's...lol.My belief is that Sasquatch is bipedal and is somewhere between man and ape in the evolutionary scale.I know that by choosing to believe that some will ridicule me and some will back me,either way it doesn't matter.I have made a strong statement by creating my site and to all the non-believers out there,it's your right to decide not to believe just as it's my right to believe.In the end it's all water under the bridge.The picture above was taken above Little Anderson.