I believe when searching for Sasquatch/Bigfoot you should research what the experts do. #1 Recordings of alleged Sasquatch sounds are a must for research,playing back the sounds could be key if there is a Sasquatch in the area. #2 Must have knowledge of tracking,being able to track will allow you to follow any Sasquatch that may have been in your area of search. #3 Due to Sasquatch being elusive in the forest we must except that it has exceptional abilities,such as better hearing, smell and better vision then a human,if that's the case then taking a stealth approach would be key ,camouflage gear would make you blend in to your surroundings while binoculars would give you a long range in which to view. Another approach would be to set up near a river with rapids, you would not be heard as easily. If you have spotted a Sasquatch and want a closer look, be sure to know in which direction the wind is coming from,you want to be down wind of the Sasquatch, being up wind would tip the Sasquatches keen sense of smell, there for alerting it to your presence. #4 Having a video camera, camera and plaster are some other tools you should have when searching for Sasquatch.Good luck with your search...Lee...Picture above was taken at Lower Quinsam Lake.
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