I took a trip with my friend and team member Josh to Strathcona park .We met at the chain up area at the base of Mount Washington and headed past Wolf Lake making a left just past the lake and followed the back roads until we got into the area of Regan lake. We got out of the truck several times to investigate the surrounding areas for any trace of Sasquatch with not much luck but we were lucky enough to see a couple of big black bears.
We then came to another main logging road where we decided to get out and try our luck with some "wood knocking"which is a known way to communicate with Sasquatch.We tried this for about 10 or 15-minutes,Josh was wood knocking while I took the opportunity to check some muddy areas for foot prints it was during this search that I started to hear replies to Josh's wood knocking. I then went back to Josh and asked him to come up by where I had heard the replies.No sooner did Josh get to where I was standing just a minute earlier when we again together heard wood knocking replies.
At this point we walked down the road repeating the knocking and getting responses every time.We managed to pin point the loudest area for responses and started video taping the wood knocking session with some great responses which you can hear plain as day on my video camera.
Our wood knocking session from start to finish lasted about an hour with responses happening up until we left.
We also took the opportunity to plant some food traps in the area(muddy areas) so that maybe if a Sasquatch was around it would become curious and eat one of the food traps leaving behind a track or two for us to cast.
This was a great field trip with some great audio captured of what was possibly a Sasquatch trying to communicate with us.
We will be returning to this area tomorrow to see if our food traps caught any tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibVtnOlEeJ4
Josh and I went back to this same area today we found our food traps not touched.
We decided to try some more wood knocking but had no response.
We then tried some sound blasting(Sasquatch calls recorded)which turned up no response either.
We repeated the wood knocking and sound blasting in a few different areas but still had no response.
We are planning an overnighter in this area in the near future and will report our findings on a later post.
Update:Our sasquatch team has done extensive research to the wood knocking we heard in the Reagan lake area as well as the little Anderson lake area and we have come to a final conclusion
We now know what we heard was not a Sasquatch and or a human , we tracked the sound over miles and narrowed it down to the very tree it came from (near little Anderson lake ) though we didn't see it with our own eyes we believe what we heard was some sort of bird .
The sounds we heard at Reagan lake were the same...
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