Monday, December 20, 2010

Quinsom Investigation

The BCSO did a day time investigation in the Quinsom lake area on sat dec 11th/2010 .
We spent a lot of time searching a young second growth forest (aprox 10 to 12 years old) for any signs of Sasquatch activity . We investigated some oddly uprooted trees which we determined were uprooted due to heavy rain and snow which had recently hit this area pretty hard.
 We arrived at the Quinsom river at 12:43pm , moving up the river we looked for anything out of the ordinary , after following the river for sometime we decided to head away from the river and into the forest .
We found a game trail and decided to follow it , aside from some elk scat and some old deer bones we heard and seen nothing . Moving back in the direction we had come from we noticed a large tree which had been severely chewed by a beaver and was leaning over the river, as we inspected the tree we could hear some thumping sounds over the noise of the swollen Quinsom river . After listening for some time we could not come to a final conclusion nor could we cross the river to get any closer to the sound .The thumping went on for 15-minutes starting at 2:20pm. ( A guess for the sound we heard possibly a beaver) After a little more time investigating this area we made our way back to the truck .
We decided to follow some logging roads moving deeper into a large old growth forest , we found a few extremely interesting areas which we will devote more time to in future investigations.
We then started to make our way out when we came across another side road which we decided to investigate . As we drove this road we looked for any signs of tracks as it had been raining extremely hard in the days leading up to this investigation and the roads were very muddy.About 5-minutes into this search I observed to my left about 12-feet off the road what appeared to be some big animal tracks. The following is what we observed :
Time 4:05 pm , dusk was just about to set in , Cloudy , light rain ,slight breeze and temp +4 .
Found two tracks, 1-left and 1-right . Left track was of a full print , Right track was of a half print ( top of foot and part of lower )
Measurements taken of left track : length 14.5", ball of foot 6" in width , heel of foot 4" in width .
Measurements taken of right track: length 8.5" , ball of foot 6" in width , no heel to measure due to hard packed soil (ground)
Stride measurement : Measuring toe of left track to same toe on right track was 58" .
Depth measurement : Left track 5/8"  and right track 1" (measured in toe region )
The tracks were very obvious with great out lines but were to poor to cast and not a lot of toe definition was left.
Numerous pictures were taken using a tape measure for length and width comparison.
Age of track unknown due to rainy conditions but best guess was 1 to 2 days old.
The area was  recently logged ( aprox 2-years old) with an old growth forest just beyond the slash approximately 300 to 400 feet away from where tracks were found .Direction of travel moving south west through slash to old growth forest and mountains beyond.
Observing the opposite side of the road adjacent to tracks we found a game trail with some scuffs on the ground leading out onto the logging road but the markings were not distinguishable . The forested section on this side of the road was a second growth forest with the trees standing about 12 feet in height.
Exact location of tracks will remain omitted from this report due to further investigation of this area.
This investigation turned up some great evidence and our efforts will be focused to this area for further research and possible evidence .


1 comment:

Lee said...

Follow up Investigations in this area are already under way and data is being collected . Our findings will be published as soon as we wrap up our investigation .