Friday, January 22, 2010

My Thoughts On Sasquatch

Last Monday I was in a store which had a rack of books dedicated to Sasquatch as well as other local interests.After looking through a couple of the Sasquatch books I made my way to the cashier.Well waiting in line I noticed a couple of gentlemen over at the books,they then started discussing Sasquatch.One was a firm believer while the other was smirking and chuckling about the topic.It was at this point I cut into the conversation and told them that I was a believer and that I had had my own sighting years earlier.The one gentlemen who was a non-believer laughed and asked me if I was drunk when I saw the creature.This is a very common reaction to people who have not had there own experience or have chosen not to believe,this is also why a high percentage of people who have had sightings don't talk or report them.It is my belief that people usually laugh to these types of conversations for 2-reasons.#1 they think that the witness is joking about his/her experience.#2 there mis-informed (un-educated in this topic).It is also my belief if a person actually took the time to become educated in this topic they would at a very minimum leave it with a better understanding and have more respect for those who do believe.To those of you who come to my site and don't believe ,take some time ,go through my site and the links,educate yourself .Hopefully when you are done you will have a bit more respect for the Sasquatch and the people who believe.Oh ya one more thing,If you don't believe then why are you on my site???Something peak your interest???To those who have had an experience and have yet to report it please fill out my report form further down the page and if you would like to remain anonymous your name will not be published.


Darla said...

I am an associate producer at Native America Calling, a nationally syndicated public radio program. I'm contacting you to let you know that tomorrow, February 11, 2010, we will be producing a show about Sasquatch and the prevalence of Sasquatch-like creatures in traditional and urban legends across the globe. You can listen live at 10 am PST at and you can join our conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848. Again we are a live show broadcasting across the nation. My contact information is: or 505-999-2445.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you and some of your stories tomorrow!

Darla Antoine

Lee said...

Thankyou Darla for showing interest in my site and for wanting me on your show.I will be working during the show tomorrow but will try to make myself avaliable .....thanks Lee