The spring and summer of 2006 had some interesting events which happened around the Comox valley, I will start with my personal experience. It was mid may and I was camping with my girlfriend around the middle of Wolf Lake, following the Duncan Bay Main. It was just getting dark. We were cooking a couple of trout, that we had just caught, over our camp fire. From behind we heard a couple of large splashes,it sounded like large boulders being thrown into the lake. I turned toward the sound with my flashlight, panning it over the water where I saw ripples,I then shinned my light on the tree line, the brush was to heavy to see anything . We talked ourselves into the idea that it was probably just a beaver. In all the years I have fished and picked wild mushrooms I have never seen or heard a beaver on that lake. That same year during the summer there were 2 reports at Willimar lake,which is situated just above comox lake. In one report at willimar lake the campers were scared off by what they reported as " rocks being thrown at there campers ". Another rock throwing report came in from Forbush lake which is located just above willimar lake,with this report there was also a possible sighting.In the research I have done, rock throwing seems to be a trait of Sasquatch and could possibly be used as defense against someone intruding on there territory...Picture above was taken at Wolf Lake in the Comox Valley.
1 comment:
Update...July 2009,place:south end of Wolf lake.While fishing at the dam at the south end of Wolf lake I saw a beaver,so i now know there are beavers in wolf lake,I have heard beavers many times smack there tails on the water as well as make a lot of noise as they slip under the water.The sound I heard that night in May of 2006 was more like big rocks being thrown in the lake not like the sounds a beaver makes,but at the same time I cannot completely rule out beaver...
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