My thoughts on the Patterson/Gimlin film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOxuRIfFs0w .For starters I am very aggravated by this film simply because I have spent so much time listening,watching and reading peoples analysis for and against it.I have watched it hundreds of times at regular speed as well as slowed down frame by frame.I have listened to peoples claims that they know the person who was in the supposed suit.I have read and watched people try to dis-credit Roger Patterson (who may I say is not here and hasn't been for over 30-years to defend himself and his film) and Bob Gimlin ( who has always stuck by his word in saying it was NOT STAGED). If you are trying to form an opinion for or against the authenticity of this film I strongly recommend that you just watch the film and base your opinion on what it shows.It is my belief that what this film shows is a Female Sasquatch trying to move away from what she feels is a threat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7DFQwKlfnk&NR=1 (Patterson/Gimlin).It is also my opinion that what those two gentlemen filmed that day is authentic.Come on people ??? just because you haven't personally seen it doesn't mean it's not real...I am 37-years old and in June of this year I saw my first cougar in person...Now prior to that did I believe cougars existed???...yes,because I knew people who had seen them,I have also seen pictures and video's of them...mmmm,kinda funny....I believe we have the same evidence for Sasquatch..... ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrPTtg00MI&feature=related )
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