When looking at the forests of the Pacific Northwest it's easy to see how one could get lost.Put Sasquatch into play in these forests and you can begin to appreciate how a species like this can be somewhat elusive.In British Columbia alone the forests take up approximately sixty percent of the land,much of it not explored and to rugged to enter.There have been numerous people who have disappeared over the years not to mention the amount of aircraft which has went missing with not even a trace of debris found.There are approximately 100 un-contacted tribes in the world today which have not been influenced by the outside world for hundreds of years,WOW pretty amazing in our technological advanced world of today that we could still have that many primitive tribes.One of these tribes had photo's taken of them via from a helicopter in May of 2008 on the border of Brazil and Peru,in the photo's (http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/news/chiefeditor/2009/05/five-uncontacted-tribes-nearing-extinction.html) you can see some of the tribe pointing there bows toward the helicopter in what I am assuming would be utter fear of this loud nuisance hovering above there heads.Getting back to the Pacific Northwest.One point that the non-believers of Sasquatch like to point out is that if there was a 600lb to 800lb Sasquatch wondering around our forests that they would not be able to sustain life during our winters because there's simply not enough food to live on?
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJjUt2sXo5o&feature=related.My) answer to that would be that an average adult male moose weighs in at 850lbs to 1180lbs well the females average weight is between 600lb to 800lbs there diet in the winter consists of 40 to 50lbs per day of twigs and assorted shrubs(http://www.mooseworld.com/)....Who's to say an animal like Sasquatch doesn't eat the same winter diet???There are other animals in the Pacific Northwest that are note worthy of a similar weight class to Sasquatch as well like the elk with the adult male averaging its weight in at 698lbs(http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/wilderness/animals/elk.htm) . As far as the non-believers go they can throw that winter theory of there's out the window.In conclusion to this post I would just like to say that Science is evolving and changing it's theories on a regular basis and there discovering new species every year who knows what tomorrow may bring but there's no doubt in my head that one day they will have the evidence they require to put Sasquatch on our list of native animals to the Pacific Northwest.
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