Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Quinsom Investigation
The BCSO did a day time investigation in the Quinsom lake area on sat dec 11th/2010 .
We spent a lot of time searching a young second growth forest (aprox 10 to 12 years old) for any signs of Sasquatch activity . We investigated some oddly uprooted trees which we determined were uprooted due to heavy rain and snow which had recently hit this area pretty hard.
We arrived at the Quinsom river at 12:43pm , moving up the river we looked for anything out of the ordinary , after following the river for sometime we decided to head away from the river and into the forest .
We found a game trail and decided to follow it , aside from some elk scat and some old deer bones we heard and seen nothing . Moving back in the direction we had come from we noticed a large tree which had been severely chewed by a beaver and was leaning over the river, as we inspected the tree we could hear some thumping sounds over the noise of the swollen Quinsom river . After listening for some time we could not come to a final conclusion nor could we cross the river to get any closer to the sound .The thumping went on for 15-minutes starting at 2:20pm. ( A guess for the sound we heard possibly a beaver) After a little more time investigating this area we made our way back to the truck .
We decided to follow some logging roads moving deeper into a large old growth forest , we found a few extremely interesting areas which we will devote more time to in future investigations.
We then started to make our way out when we came across another side road which we decided to investigate . As we drove this road we looked for any signs of tracks as it had been raining extremely hard in the days leading up to this investigation and the roads were very muddy.About 5-minutes into this search I observed to my left about 12-feet off the road what appeared to be some big animal tracks. The following is what we observed :
Time 4:05 pm , dusk was just about to set in , Cloudy , light rain ,slight breeze and temp +4 .
Found two tracks, 1-left and 1-right . Left track was of a full print , Right track was of a half print ( top of foot and part of lower )
Measurements taken of left track : length 14.5", ball of foot 6" in width , heel of foot 4" in width .
Measurements taken of right track: length 8.5" , ball of foot 6" in width , no heel to measure due to hard packed soil (ground)
Stride measurement : Measuring toe of left track to same toe on right track was 58" .
Depth measurement : Left track 5/8" and right track 1" (measured in toe region )
The tracks were very obvious with great out lines but were to poor to cast and not a lot of toe definition was left.
Numerous pictures were taken using a tape measure for length and width comparison.
Age of track unknown due to rainy conditions but best guess was 1 to 2 days old.
The area was recently logged ( aprox 2-years old) with an old growth forest just beyond the slash approximately 300 to 400 feet away from where tracks were found .Direction of travel moving south west through slash to old growth forest and mountains beyond.
Observing the opposite side of the road adjacent to tracks we found a game trail with some scuffs on the ground leading out onto the logging road but the markings were not distinguishable . The forested section on this side of the road was a second growth forest with the trees standing about 12 feet in height.
Exact location of tracks will remain omitted from this report due to further investigation of this area.
This investigation turned up some great evidence and our efforts will be focused to this area for further research and possible evidence .
We spent a lot of time searching a young second growth forest (aprox 10 to 12 years old) for any signs of Sasquatch activity . We investigated some oddly uprooted trees which we determined were uprooted due to heavy rain and snow which had recently hit this area pretty hard.
We arrived at the Quinsom river at 12:43pm , moving up the river we looked for anything out of the ordinary , after following the river for sometime we decided to head away from the river and into the forest .
We found a game trail and decided to follow it , aside from some elk scat and some old deer bones we heard and seen nothing . Moving back in the direction we had come from we noticed a large tree which had been severely chewed by a beaver and was leaning over the river, as we inspected the tree we could hear some thumping sounds over the noise of the swollen Quinsom river . After listening for some time we could not come to a final conclusion nor could we cross the river to get any closer to the sound .The thumping went on for 15-minutes starting at 2:20pm. ( A guess for the sound we heard possibly a beaver) After a little more time investigating this area we made our way back to the truck .
We decided to follow some logging roads moving deeper into a large old growth forest , we found a few extremely interesting areas which we will devote more time to in future investigations.
We then started to make our way out when we came across another side road which we decided to investigate . As we drove this road we looked for any signs of tracks as it had been raining extremely hard in the days leading up to this investigation and the roads were very muddy.About 5-minutes into this search I observed to my left about 12-feet off the road what appeared to be some big animal tracks. The following is what we observed :
Time 4:05 pm , dusk was just about to set in , Cloudy , light rain ,slight breeze and temp +4 .
Found two tracks, 1-left and 1-right . Left track was of a full print , Right track was of a half print ( top of foot and part of lower )
Measurements taken of left track : length 14.5", ball of foot 6" in width , heel of foot 4" in width .
Measurements taken of right track: length 8.5" , ball of foot 6" in width , no heel to measure due to hard packed soil (ground)
Stride measurement : Measuring toe of left track to same toe on right track was 58" .
Depth measurement : Left track 5/8" and right track 1" (measured in toe region )
The tracks were very obvious with great out lines but were to poor to cast and not a lot of toe definition was left.
Numerous pictures were taken using a tape measure for length and width comparison.
Age of track unknown due to rainy conditions but best guess was 1 to 2 days old.
The area was recently logged ( aprox 2-years old) with an old growth forest just beyond the slash approximately 300 to 400 feet away from where tracks were found .Direction of travel moving south west through slash to old growth forest and mountains beyond.
Observing the opposite side of the road adjacent to tracks we found a game trail with some scuffs on the ground leading out onto the logging road but the markings were not distinguishable . The forested section on this side of the road was a second growth forest with the trees standing about 12 feet in height.
Exact location of tracks will remain omitted from this report due to further investigation of this area.
This investigation turned up some great evidence and our efforts will be focused to this area for further research and possible evidence .
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Strathcona Investigation
Sunday Nov 21st/2010 , Josh and I took a trip to some areas of interest in Strathcona park .
We started by following some logging roads up the backside of Big Anderson lake , it had recently snowed in this area , the roads were mainly clear but as we started to climb in altitude we noticed more and more snow collecting on the road . We came to a hill which to me didn't look to bad but as we climbed we noticed that it was pretty much all ice, about three quarters of the way up the truck could not climb anymore and we started to slide backwards , the truck started to turn side ways as I was tapping the breaks so I decided at that point to straighten out as best I could , kept my foot off the break and crossed my fingers that we didn't slide off the bank or hit a tree . Lucky for truck and us everything worked out ,we came back down safe .( note to self : buy snow chains for truck )
We couldn't get into the Anderson lake area so we decided to check out some other areas of interest .
We ventured into a rock quarry/gravel pit , where we picked up on a fresh set of deer tracks in the snow, following them up the backside of the pit where they intersected a fairly fresh set of cougar tracks which from on top of the pit we could see that the cougar had come up from down below in the pit.We managed to track the cougars direction of travel moving from west to east into the gravel pit and up onto the top side of the pit and across a trail in to a dense patch of forest where we lost the tracks .
We then decided to move north on the trail to see if the cougar had re-emerged further down .Five hundred feet or so north of the last cougar track the trail ended at a big slash pile with a second growth heavily forested area just beyond . As we stood there scoping out the hillside we heard what sounded like very light wood knocking coming from the northeast , ( time was 2:54 pm ) it was about 30-seconds in between knocks in a series of 3-knocks , 3-knocks , 4-knocks .5-knocks and 3-knocks for a total of 5-times , we tried replying for about 15- minutes with no responses . At this point we followed the trail south back in the direction we came from , it eventually ended at another main road . We then wrapped up our search in this area after a little more investigation.
We then doubled back to the area my truck had slid down the hill .There was an area there near a creek we wanted to set up the trail cam . After setting up the cam we decided to move down the Duncan Bay Main .Darkness had just set in and we wanted to do some spot lighting . We had noticed earlier in the day that a hunter had thrown the remains of a moose on the side of the road,(note: there are no moose on Vancouver island so the hunter had brought this moose from the mainland ) as we approached this area we observed a wolf at the remains which didn't stick around for more then about 5-seconds once it noticed our head lights on it. After spot lighting for a good 45-minutes and finding a few deer , we wrapped up our investigation .
Other notes:
Temperature : -1 , cloudy , light snow at times , no wind.
Nov 28th/10 picked up trail cam , no pictures taken , camera was on , I think due to the cold and wet conditions camera's sensor was affected. Noticed 2 or 3 day old bear tracks in front of trail cam , bait set was gone .
All in all this investigation went well , Cougar tracks,bear tracks and a wolf was spotted.
Possible Sasquatch activity : faint wood knocking near rock quarry .
Hunters ( gun shots), 4x4ing and quads noticed .
We started by following some logging roads up the backside of Big Anderson lake , it had recently snowed in this area , the roads were mainly clear but as we started to climb in altitude we noticed more and more snow collecting on the road . We came to a hill which to me didn't look to bad but as we climbed we noticed that it was pretty much all ice, about three quarters of the way up the truck could not climb anymore and we started to slide backwards , the truck started to turn side ways as I was tapping the breaks so I decided at that point to straighten out as best I could , kept my foot off the break and crossed my fingers that we didn't slide off the bank or hit a tree . Lucky for truck and us everything worked out ,we came back down safe .( note to self : buy snow chains for truck )
We couldn't get into the Anderson lake area so we decided to check out some other areas of interest .
We ventured into a rock quarry/gravel pit , where we picked up on a fresh set of deer tracks in the snow, following them up the backside of the pit where they intersected a fairly fresh set of cougar tracks which from on top of the pit we could see that the cougar had come up from down below in the pit.We managed to track the cougars direction of travel moving from west to east into the gravel pit and up onto the top side of the pit and across a trail in to a dense patch of forest where we lost the tracks .
We then decided to move north on the trail to see if the cougar had re-emerged further down .Five hundred feet or so north of the last cougar track the trail ended at a big slash pile with a second growth heavily forested area just beyond . As we stood there scoping out the hillside we heard what sounded like very light wood knocking coming from the northeast , ( time was 2:54 pm ) it was about 30-seconds in between knocks in a series of 3-knocks , 3-knocks , 4-knocks .5-knocks and 3-knocks for a total of 5-times , we tried replying for about 15- minutes with no responses . At this point we followed the trail south back in the direction we came from , it eventually ended at another main road . We then wrapped up our search in this area after a little more investigation.
We then doubled back to the area my truck had slid down the hill .There was an area there near a creek we wanted to set up the trail cam . After setting up the cam we decided to move down the Duncan Bay Main .Darkness had just set in and we wanted to do some spot lighting . We had noticed earlier in the day that a hunter had thrown the remains of a moose on the side of the road,(note: there are no moose on Vancouver island so the hunter had brought this moose from the mainland ) as we approached this area we observed a wolf at the remains which didn't stick around for more then about 5-seconds once it noticed our head lights on it. After spot lighting for a good 45-minutes and finding a few deer , we wrapped up our investigation .
Other notes:
Temperature : -1 , cloudy , light snow at times , no wind.
Nov 28th/10 picked up trail cam , no pictures taken , camera was on , I think due to the cold and wet conditions camera's sensor was affected. Noticed 2 or 3 day old bear tracks in front of trail cam , bait set was gone .
All in all this investigation went well , Cougar tracks,bear tracks and a wolf was spotted.
Possible Sasquatch activity : faint wood knocking near rock quarry .
Hunters ( gun shots), 4x4ing and quads noticed .
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Strange Encounter On Hornby Island
I received a report of a possible Sasquatch Sighting on Hornby Island . This sighting took place back in sept of 1990 . This sighting is the most unusual report I have received to date . The following is a word for word account of the witness :
" My friend and I were returning to his house on Hornby island , we went up to his room, opened the window and had a smoke out on the roof . As we sat there we looked across a small field , maybe 100 to 125 yards across above the fence line there were tall spruce and fir trees about 75' to 100' tall , not huge trees but second growth . At first we thought that it was a gust of wind that was making the branches move up and down but as they did the movement continued along the tree line about 20' off the ground . I started to make out the shape of a tall figure and it was jumping /swinging through the trees . We both were like "what the hell is that ?" .As we looked on completely able to view this animal , it stopped ,turned and starred right at us . It had bright yellowish glowing eyes and its hair was a greenish moss color just like it was old mans beard . The animal looked at us for a moment , definitely knowing we were there. Then it took off straight into the bush away from us and the encounter was over .
The witness was also asked what time of day or night the incident occurred ? witness says " encounter happened at around 5pm and was a nice day , maybe a little cloudy ". The witness went on to say " It's been a long time since and very little (few) people believed us and the story just got old ". The incident happened just north of the Hornby Co-op general store . There were 2-witnesses to this incident.
When the witness was asked further as to anything else unusual about his encounter ,he went on to say "I do believe that the animal appeared to be hunting or searching for something . Cruising a long in the trees perhaps looking for food. The animal appeared to be very camouflaged , we had to look really close to see what it was but once we made it out , it was clear as day . It was really tall , approx 6'8" to 7"0" , thin and weighed approx 200lbs to 250lbs . It's hair was wavy but longer around the cuffs of the hands and feet .It was droopy looking , a lot like an orangutan . It was really mean looking . It also didn't look really happy that we seen it and gave us the worst looking stare ".
The witness also went on to tell me that they were completely sober when this incident occurred and that the creature was in perfect view .
The witness also went on to say he remembers another odd incident on Hornby island where he seen a friend come home completely bruised and beaten with blood all over him . He says his friend never saw what attacked him and went on further to say "what ever it was was either invisible or to quick to see" , he was thrown around and beaten until he was knocked out.
" My friend and I were returning to his house on Hornby island , we went up to his room, opened the window and had a smoke out on the roof . As we sat there we looked across a small field , maybe 100 to 125 yards across above the fence line there were tall spruce and fir trees about 75' to 100' tall , not huge trees but second growth . At first we thought that it was a gust of wind that was making the branches move up and down but as they did the movement continued along the tree line about 20' off the ground . I started to make out the shape of a tall figure and it was jumping /swinging through the trees . We both were like "what the hell is that ?" .As we looked on completely able to view this animal , it stopped ,turned and starred right at us . It had bright yellowish glowing eyes and its hair was a greenish moss color just like it was old mans beard . The animal looked at us for a moment , definitely knowing we were there. Then it took off straight into the bush away from us and the encounter was over .
The witness was also asked what time of day or night the incident occurred ? witness says " encounter happened at around 5pm and was a nice day , maybe a little cloudy ". The witness went on to say " It's been a long time since and very little (few) people believed us and the story just got old ". The incident happened just north of the Hornby Co-op general store . There were 2-witnesses to this incident.
When the witness was asked further as to anything else unusual about his encounter ,he went on to say "I do believe that the animal appeared to be hunting or searching for something . Cruising a long in the trees perhaps looking for food. The animal appeared to be very camouflaged , we had to look really close to see what it was but once we made it out , it was clear as day . It was really tall , approx 6'8" to 7"0" , thin and weighed approx 200lbs to 250lbs . It's hair was wavy but longer around the cuffs of the hands and feet .It was droopy looking , a lot like an orangutan . It was really mean looking . It also didn't look really happy that we seen it and gave us the worst looking stare ".
The witness also went on to tell me that they were completely sober when this incident occurred and that the creature was in perfect view .
The witness also went on to say he remembers another odd incident on Hornby island where he seen a friend come home completely bruised and beaten with blood all over him . He says his friend never saw what attacked him and went on further to say "what ever it was was either invisible or to quick to see" , he was thrown around and beaten until he was knocked out.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Recommended Sasquatch Reading
Anything by Christopher L.Murphy , this guy in my opinion has all the newest up-to-date information with regard to the Sasquatch/Bigfoot and lays it out perfectly.
If you know nothing or very little or just want a good informational book on the Sasquatch ,I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you give Chris Murphy's "Meet the SASQUATCH " or "Know the SASQUATCH / BIGFOOT " (Sequel and Update to Meet the Sasquatch ) a read . Its a true work of art and my bible with regard to information on the Sasquatch. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
This guy talks about everything from the first nations history and beliefs with regard to the Sasquatch .He also includes all the most famous documented Sasquatch encounters including : Fred Beck's Mt St.Helens Sasquatch attack , Albert Ostman's journey , The Ruby Creek Incident , William Roe's Experience , Jerry Crews Tracks , Patterson/Gimlin Film . All the physical evidence including: tracks and castings , Skookum cast , maps of encounters , mentions all the top researchers , scientists and investigator's .Chris also amassed an unbelievable collection of pictures. The above mentioned topics he covers are just the tip of the iceberg . These books are truly a master piece on the Sasquatch.
I particularly liked an article written in his second book (Know the Sasquatch/Bigfoot ) by Henry Franzoni titled " Beyond Rationality " To me it basically sums up the search for Sasquatch , if your going to spend time in this field you must give "Beyond Rationality " a read .
Hats off to Chris Murphy
If you know nothing or very little or just want a good informational book on the Sasquatch ,I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you give Chris Murphy's "Meet the SASQUATCH " or "Know the SASQUATCH / BIGFOOT " (Sequel and Update to Meet the Sasquatch ) a read . Its a true work of art and my bible with regard to information on the Sasquatch. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
This guy talks about everything from the first nations history and beliefs with regard to the Sasquatch .He also includes all the most famous documented Sasquatch encounters including : Fred Beck's Mt St.Helens Sasquatch attack , Albert Ostman's journey , The Ruby Creek Incident , William Roe's Experience , Jerry Crews Tracks , Patterson/Gimlin Film . All the physical evidence including: tracks and castings , Skookum cast , maps of encounters , mentions all the top researchers , scientists and investigator's .Chris also amassed an unbelievable collection of pictures. The above mentioned topics he covers are just the tip of the iceberg . These books are truly a master piece on the Sasquatch.
I particularly liked an article written in his second book (Know the Sasquatch/Bigfoot ) by Henry Franzoni titled " Beyond Rationality " To me it basically sums up the search for Sasquatch , if your going to spend time in this field you must give "Beyond Rationality " a read .
Hats off to Chris Murphy
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mt Sicker Night Time Investigation
This is the BCSO's ( British Columbia Sasquatch Organization ) 2nd investigation on Mt Sicker.
Both investigations we have done were sparked by a report which was given to the BFRO ( Bigfoot Field Research Organization ) Which included a visual sighting , possible vocals and tracks .
Our first investigation was done during daylight hours and turned up some interesting finds.
Our follow-up investigation was done during the night as the Sasquatch is reported by many to be a nocternal animal and many encounters are purported to have taken place during night time hours ( including my encounter ) .
I would also like to thank our newest BCSO team member Cory for his input and help during this investigation.
The following is from the BCSO log :
Josh , Cory and I arrived at the base of Mt Sicker at 5:35 pm,Sat,Oct 30/10 .
Weather conditions at 5:35 pm : Temp +9 , cloudy , raining , windy and extremely foggy .
We started our investigation from the Mt Sicker road entrance , we first stopped and checked for tracks at the dirt pile we found possible track during our first investigation , no additional evidence was found .
We moved around the mountain struggling to see with the extreme fog we encountered through most of our investigation .
We arrived at the Mt Sicker mine area at 6:50 pm trying to spot light with little luck due to the fog ,we decided to stop and try some sound blasting which turned up no replies.Moving past the mine we drove for aprox 2 to 3klm where we decided to stop and again do some sound blasting , this turned up no replies.
We spent much of our time checking the roads for fresh tracks as the rain softened the ground and made it very easy to see if an animal had stepped onto the road.
At 7:32 pm while spotlighting we found a 2" round snapped tree which looked rather odd so we stopped to investigate . Observations made : No tracks noticed around tree.Tree was 2" round in diamiter , measurement taken: 49" from ground to break , adjacent tree 6" round with a section of bark peeled , measurement taken: 76 1/4" from ground to start of peel , 2nd measurement taken: from ground to top of peel 90 1/4 " ,3rd measurement taken : total length of peel 14" . 4th measurement taken : width of peeled section 2".Also noticed 1/8" gashes in peeled section along with some pine branches piled together at base of tree. Possible suspects for the peeled bark most likely an elk or deer rubbing its antlers against tree .( pictures taken )
We then made our way to the area known as the "Plantation",here we tried some sound blasting and wood knocking both turned up no replies.
Fog started to break at about 10:30 pm eventually disapating by 11pm ,this gave us an appurtunity to do some spotlighting which throughout our investigation didn't turn up more then 6 deer ,we found this a little odd due to the previous investigations we have done at night always turning up numerious deer especially in recently logged areas. Not sure, maybe the Cowichan valley lacks a high deer population?
We spent a couple more hours peridically stopping at different areas to sound blast , wood knock and spotlight.
We then drove hill 60 for sometime stopping at a heavily wooded area to set up our night vision camera.
we monitored our camera from the vehicle for sometime, this too turned up nothing,it was at 2:30am that our second investigation ended at Mt Sicker.
This investigation turned up very little due to the extreme weather conditions we faced. The fog allowed us to see very little while the wind and rain didn't allow us to hear very clearly for responses to our sound blasting and wood knocking.
On the plus side we were able to try our night vision for the first time in the field as well as the audio feed coming from the camera .It was also Cory's first field investigation and I feel he was an asset to our research.
The BCSO is planning a 3rd Investigation to Mt Sicker before the new year , this investigation will cover some of the areas already investigated as well as some new areas we found during this investigation. It will be a daytime investigation.
Additional notes:
Start time : 5:35pm
finish time : 2:30am
Temp at 5:35pm +9 , fog , cloudy , rain , windy
Temp at 10pm +8 , fog , cloudy , rain , windy
Temp at 2:30am +7 , no fog , clearing , no rain , slight breeze
This search had an eerie feel due to the heavy fog which stuck around for much of the investigation .
Throughout our search we tried numerious times to take pictures only to have the fog distort many of them.
Both investigations we have done were sparked by a report which was given to the BFRO ( Bigfoot Field Research Organization ) Which included a visual sighting , possible vocals and tracks .
Our first investigation was done during daylight hours and turned up some interesting finds.
Our follow-up investigation was done during the night as the Sasquatch is reported by many to be a nocternal animal and many encounters are purported to have taken place during night time hours ( including my encounter ) .
I would also like to thank our newest BCSO team member Cory for his input and help during this investigation.
The following is from the BCSO log :
Josh , Cory and I arrived at the base of Mt Sicker at 5:35 pm,Sat,Oct 30/10 .
Weather conditions at 5:35 pm : Temp +9 , cloudy , raining , windy and extremely foggy .
We started our investigation from the Mt Sicker road entrance , we first stopped and checked for tracks at the dirt pile we found possible track during our first investigation , no additional evidence was found .
We moved around the mountain struggling to see with the extreme fog we encountered through most of our investigation .
We arrived at the Mt Sicker mine area at 6:50 pm trying to spot light with little luck due to the fog ,we decided to stop and try some sound blasting which turned up no replies.Moving past the mine we drove for aprox 2 to 3klm where we decided to stop and again do some sound blasting , this turned up no replies.
We spent much of our time checking the roads for fresh tracks as the rain softened the ground and made it very easy to see if an animal had stepped onto the road.
At 7:32 pm while spotlighting we found a 2" round snapped tree which looked rather odd so we stopped to investigate . Observations made : No tracks noticed around tree.Tree was 2" round in diamiter , measurement taken: 49" from ground to break , adjacent tree 6" round with a section of bark peeled , measurement taken: 76 1/4" from ground to start of peel , 2nd measurement taken: from ground to top of peel 90 1/4 " ,3rd measurement taken : total length of peel 14" . 4th measurement taken : width of peeled section 2".Also noticed 1/8" gashes in peeled section along with some pine branches piled together at base of tree. Possible suspects for the peeled bark most likely an elk or deer rubbing its antlers against tree .( pictures taken )
We then made our way to the area known as the "Plantation",here we tried some sound blasting and wood knocking both turned up no replies.
Fog started to break at about 10:30 pm eventually disapating by 11pm ,this gave us an appurtunity to do some spotlighting which throughout our investigation didn't turn up more then 6 deer ,we found this a little odd due to the previous investigations we have done at night always turning up numerious deer especially in recently logged areas. Not sure, maybe the Cowichan valley lacks a high deer population?
We spent a couple more hours peridically stopping at different areas to sound blast , wood knock and spotlight.
We then drove hill 60 for sometime stopping at a heavily wooded area to set up our night vision camera.
we monitored our camera from the vehicle for sometime, this too turned up nothing,it was at 2:30am that our second investigation ended at Mt Sicker.
This investigation turned up very little due to the extreme weather conditions we faced. The fog allowed us to see very little while the wind and rain didn't allow us to hear very clearly for responses to our sound blasting and wood knocking.
On the plus side we were able to try our night vision for the first time in the field as well as the audio feed coming from the camera .It was also Cory's first field investigation and I feel he was an asset to our research.
The BCSO is planning a 3rd Investigation to Mt Sicker before the new year , this investigation will cover some of the areas already investigated as well as some new areas we found during this investigation. It will be a daytime investigation.
Additional notes:
Start time : 5:35pm
finish time : 2:30am
Temp at 5:35pm +9 , fog , cloudy , rain , windy
Temp at 10pm +8 , fog , cloudy , rain , windy
Temp at 2:30am +7 , no fog , clearing , no rain , slight breeze
This search had an eerie feel due to the heavy fog which stuck around for much of the investigation .
Throughout our search we tried numerious times to take pictures only to have the fog distort many of them.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sighting Report Form
If you have had an encounter with something you can't explain ( Sasquatch encounter , sounds , tracks , wood knocking , or anything else odd ) please follow the link on this page to the " report form " and fill it out.
The BCSO ( British Columbia Sasquatch Organization ) is also interested in 2nd hand reports, these are important to us as well , just add a contact email or phone number so that we can follow up on what you have heard.
Again I can't stress enough how important your encounters are to the BCSO , we use these reports to help us with our research and to gain a better understanding of the Sasquatch/Bigfoot .
To all of you who have given us your stories thank you .
We will only publish your story,name,location ect with your approval , your privacy is most important to us .
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our report form ..... http://thesearchforsasquatch.webs.com/sightingreportform.htm
The BCSO ( British Columbia Sasquatch Organization ) is also interested in 2nd hand reports, these are important to us as well , just add a contact email or phone number so that we can follow up on what you have heard.
Again I can't stress enough how important your encounters are to the BCSO , we use these reports to help us with our research and to gain a better understanding of the Sasquatch/Bigfoot .
To all of you who have given us your stories thank you .
We will only publish your story,name,location ect with your approval , your privacy is most important to us .
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our report form ..... http://thesearchforsasquatch.webs.com/sightingreportform.htm
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Are you out there ? Searching for Sasquatch.
How does one search for something that isn't suppose to be there?
I talked with an archaeologist the other day , I have known him for some time on a business level and during our conversations I discovered that his job in tailed spending a lot of time in the forests of Vancouver Island .
lately he had been spending a lot of time on the west coast of the island and I just assumed he was a logger . During this conversation I discovered what it was he does , I then mentioned what it was I did .His initial response was like so many , a chuckle and grin , once we got through that he became more serious , I went on to ask him if he had ever seen or heard anything odd out in the forests ? He said in the 15-years he had been in archaeology he had seen nothing . I asked how remote the places were that he had went too ? he told me that they were very remote and that if there were a colony of Sasquatch living in the forests he would have found evidence of there existence.
My belief in Sasquatch other then my sighting is the shear amount of evidence which includes, sightings by witnesses of all backgrounds , the incredible amount of sightings reported annually , the tracks which have been found and documented such as pictures and castings , the screams and growls which numerous people have heard and even recorded , the video evidence which includes the much debated Patterson/Gimlin film and numerous other video's , the wood knocking and over powering stench which is associated with sightings of the Sasquatch.
In the one hand you have all this evidence supporting the existence of such a creature and in the other hand you have the critics , who claim because they have never seen this creature or have any physical evidence that it doesn't exist . Many of the critics go on to say that ALL WITNESSES are imagining it or misidentifying it like some sort of mass illusion . Who the hell do they think they are to make statements like that??? I have watched pretty much every documentary there is on the topic and when I see the critics grinning like they have just told there kids the Easter bunny doesn't exist it ticks me off. To be honest I find it hard to keep my cool , I would just love one of those critics to tell me what it was I saw with my own eyes along with the other two witnesses!!! Give me a break , I don't need them telling me anything with regard to what" I KNOW" I saw.
I also know that you can't believe everything you hear and that after all the investigations and debunking is finished and your still left with evidence pointing in the direction of the existence of such a creature you must recognize it.
There is no way that everyone who has had an encounter is lying,imagining or misidentifying it .......NO WAY!!!
I talked with an archaeologist the other day , I have known him for some time on a business level and during our conversations I discovered that his job in tailed spending a lot of time in the forests of Vancouver Island .
lately he had been spending a lot of time on the west coast of the island and I just assumed he was a logger . During this conversation I discovered what it was he does , I then mentioned what it was I did .His initial response was like so many , a chuckle and grin , once we got through that he became more serious , I went on to ask him if he had ever seen or heard anything odd out in the forests ? He said in the 15-years he had been in archaeology he had seen nothing . I asked how remote the places were that he had went too ? he told me that they were very remote and that if there were a colony of Sasquatch living in the forests he would have found evidence of there existence.
My belief in Sasquatch other then my sighting is the shear amount of evidence which includes, sightings by witnesses of all backgrounds , the incredible amount of sightings reported annually , the tracks which have been found and documented such as pictures and castings , the screams and growls which numerous people have heard and even recorded , the video evidence which includes the much debated Patterson/Gimlin film and numerous other video's , the wood knocking and over powering stench which is associated with sightings of the Sasquatch.
In the one hand you have all this evidence supporting the existence of such a creature and in the other hand you have the critics , who claim because they have never seen this creature or have any physical evidence that it doesn't exist . Many of the critics go on to say that ALL WITNESSES are imagining it or misidentifying it like some sort of mass illusion . Who the hell do they think they are to make statements like that??? I have watched pretty much every documentary there is on the topic and when I see the critics grinning like they have just told there kids the Easter bunny doesn't exist it ticks me off. To be honest I find it hard to keep my cool , I would just love one of those critics to tell me what it was I saw with my own eyes along with the other two witnesses!!! Give me a break , I don't need them telling me anything with regard to what" I KNOW" I saw.
I also know that you can't believe everything you hear and that after all the investigations and debunking is finished and your still left with evidence pointing in the direction of the existence of such a creature you must recognize it.
There is no way that everyone who has had an encounter is lying,imagining or misidentifying it .......NO WAY!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Cowichan Sasquatch Legend
The Cowichan People gave him the name “Thumquas”.
Are they real, or are they myth? A Seven to Nine foot tall man ape has been sighted in North America for centuries. The mysterious ape-like creature; also known as Bigfoot, is said to inhabit remote regions of the Pacific Northwest.
While most Canadians consider the Sasquatch a mythical creature, for the Cowichan People they are very real. Before the European invasion, Native Americans knew of the creature and gave him the name Sasquatch, which means “hairy giant.” The Cowichan People gave him the name Thumquas.
One of the earliest recorded sightings of a Sasquatch by a white man occurred in 1811 near what is now Jasper, Alberta by a fur trader named David Thompson. Since then there have been hundreds of thousands of sightings of this mysterious creature in Western Canada, and in several states of the U.S.
There have been more than 700 footprints attributed to Bigfoot collected over the years, having an average length of 15.6 inches and an average width of 7.2 inches. Invariably, the sighting of a Sasquatch is accompanied by a very strong, very foul odour.
Daily Colonist, July 20, 1905. Vancouver Island, BC. He is still wild, the Cowichan Leader says: "The wild man of Vancouver Island has again been seen by a prospector while out in the mountains last week near Cowichan Lake.
He reports seeing what he believes was the much-talked-of wild man. He saw something through the bush, and at first sight thought it was a bear and raised his rifle, moving a little closer, when to his surprise a man straightened up before him. He immediately lowered his gun and shouted to him, but the wild man at once sprang into the thicket and was soon lost to view. The prospector tried to follow his track, but on account of the dense undergrowth was forced to give up the chase."
Not many people have heard the lonely, chilling cries and howls of Bigfoot. But those who have, and know the sounds of the wilderness, say it’s an unforgettable sound like no other.
On the night of July 08, 1975, a Native Man camping at the “Barn” located beside the Cowichan River at the furthest end of Mission Road; also known as the “Power Lines” to the local Natives, reported a strange and unsettling occurrence to the local RCMP detachment.
“I made camp yesterday down beside the Barn, in the evening I cooked a few trout that I had caught earlier in the day. After eating, I was getting a little tired so I decided to turn in. I climbed into my tent and lay down on my bedroll. I let my dogs run around because they always stay close to camp.
I started to dose off to the crickets chirping when suddenly I woke up it was as if I had one of those dreams where you are falling. I could tell there was something very wrong. It was dead quiet – no crickets, nothing, and then my dogs came running into my tent whining and shaking. I quickly jumped up; these dogs were very aggressive dogs, I'd never seen them scared like that. I grabbed my knife along with a flashlight and stepped outside the tent. I couldn’t see anything, but I had that sensation of being watched.
I grabbed some more firewood and threw it on the embers left from the dinner fire. Then I heard some very heavy footsteps right behind me in the trees. There was also a very strange odour, almost like a cross between a skunk and something dead.
Then the stillness of the night was broken by an eerie sound. The kind of scream no cougar or bear could ever squeeze from their throat. Piercing, echoing, guttural; a single, horrible high-pitched-yet-throaty, inhuman, unnatural sound that makes your skin crawl. This thing circled my campsite all night long. I didn’t sleep all night, I sat there and waited for daybreak, and in the morning I packed my gear and left”.
16-Jun-2003. Original headline: “Tracks in strawberry patch left by Sasquatch”.
Francis Joe kneels beside a trail of huge footprints crossing the strawberry field beside his home at the end of Boys Road. Francis Joe, 78, was born on the Native reserve south of Duncan and has never seen tracks like these before. He believes they belong to a legendary ape-like creature the Cowichan people call Thumquas and others call a Sasquatch or Bigfoot.
That's not the tracks of an ordinary human. You could tell if it had shoes on," he says. Something tramped across Joe's fields sometime Sunday night, leaving a straight line of 15-inch tracks running north to south, three feet apart in soft soil. His fields are bounded by bush to the north and the Cowichan River to the south, likely ruling out a trespasser. Joe paid no mind to dogs yapping outside Sunday because they often "bark all night." Local fishermen recently told him they've heard growling noises in the brush along the river.
The track also led to memories of when his three daughters saw what they think was a Sasquatch at the end of Wilseem Road about 30 years ago. "It was just getting dark and it was standing by a ditch just staring at us," remembers daughter Jeanne Bob, who claims she saw a Sasquatch about 40 feet away. "It was really big, black and hairy, and had a very strong smell. I wasn't kidding then and now I really believe it."
John Kirk, president of the B.C. Scientific Crypto zoology organization, says the footprints in Joe's berry patch are "a hoax or it's the real thing." The soil was too soft to reveal a double ball on the foot, an indicator some investigators believe sets real Sasquatch tracks from fakes. The double ball would be needed to carry the weight of an eight-foot creature, Kirk said. "Each foot print also has to be different because of walking mechanics. With fakes, every footprint is exactly the same."
The footprints found in Francis Joe’s strawberry field are three inches deep, which Kirk says is very significant, because, "An imprint that much deeper than a human's indicates a much greater weight".
Is Sasquatch real? Like the cougar he’s rarely ever seen. Over the centuries the Cowichan tribe’s people who have witnessed it have become true believers of the existence of a species known to the Cowichans as Thumquas. One thing is undeniable; there is a substantial amount of evidence that supports the existence of such a creature.
Are they real, or are they myth? A Seven to Nine foot tall man ape has been sighted in North America for centuries. The mysterious ape-like creature; also known as Bigfoot, is said to inhabit remote regions of the Pacific Northwest.
While most Canadians consider the Sasquatch a mythical creature, for the Cowichan People they are very real. Before the European invasion, Native Americans knew of the creature and gave him the name Sasquatch, which means “hairy giant.” The Cowichan People gave him the name Thumquas.
One of the earliest recorded sightings of a Sasquatch by a white man occurred in 1811 near what is now Jasper, Alberta by a fur trader named David Thompson. Since then there have been hundreds of thousands of sightings of this mysterious creature in Western Canada, and in several states of the U.S.
There have been more than 700 footprints attributed to Bigfoot collected over the years, having an average length of 15.6 inches and an average width of 7.2 inches. Invariably, the sighting of a Sasquatch is accompanied by a very strong, very foul odour.
Daily Colonist, July 20, 1905. Vancouver Island, BC. He is still wild, the Cowichan Leader says: "The wild man of Vancouver Island has again been seen by a prospector while out in the mountains last week near Cowichan Lake.
He reports seeing what he believes was the much-talked-of wild man. He saw something through the bush, and at first sight thought it was a bear and raised his rifle, moving a little closer, when to his surprise a man straightened up before him. He immediately lowered his gun and shouted to him, but the wild man at once sprang into the thicket and was soon lost to view. The prospector tried to follow his track, but on account of the dense undergrowth was forced to give up the chase."
Not many people have heard the lonely, chilling cries and howls of Bigfoot. But those who have, and know the sounds of the wilderness, say it’s an unforgettable sound like no other.
On the night of July 08, 1975, a Native Man camping at the “Barn” located beside the Cowichan River at the furthest end of Mission Road; also known as the “Power Lines” to the local Natives, reported a strange and unsettling occurrence to the local RCMP detachment.
“I made camp yesterday down beside the Barn, in the evening I cooked a few trout that I had caught earlier in the day. After eating, I was getting a little tired so I decided to turn in. I climbed into my tent and lay down on my bedroll. I let my dogs run around because they always stay close to camp.
I started to dose off to the crickets chirping when suddenly I woke up it was as if I had one of those dreams where you are falling. I could tell there was something very wrong. It was dead quiet – no crickets, nothing, and then my dogs came running into my tent whining and shaking. I quickly jumped up; these dogs were very aggressive dogs, I'd never seen them scared like that. I grabbed my knife along with a flashlight and stepped outside the tent. I couldn’t see anything, but I had that sensation of being watched.
I grabbed some more firewood and threw it on the embers left from the dinner fire. Then I heard some very heavy footsteps right behind me in the trees. There was also a very strange odour, almost like a cross between a skunk and something dead.
Then the stillness of the night was broken by an eerie sound. The kind of scream no cougar or bear could ever squeeze from their throat. Piercing, echoing, guttural; a single, horrible high-pitched-yet-throaty, inhuman, unnatural sound that makes your skin crawl. This thing circled my campsite all night long. I didn’t sleep all night, I sat there and waited for daybreak, and in the morning I packed my gear and left”.
16-Jun-2003. Original headline: “Tracks in strawberry patch left by Sasquatch”.
Francis Joe kneels beside a trail of huge footprints crossing the strawberry field beside his home at the end of Boys Road. Francis Joe, 78, was born on the Native reserve south of Duncan and has never seen tracks like these before. He believes they belong to a legendary ape-like creature the Cowichan people call Thumquas and others call a Sasquatch or Bigfoot.
That's not the tracks of an ordinary human. You could tell if it had shoes on," he says. Something tramped across Joe's fields sometime Sunday night, leaving a straight line of 15-inch tracks running north to south, three feet apart in soft soil. His fields are bounded by bush to the north and the Cowichan River to the south, likely ruling out a trespasser. Joe paid no mind to dogs yapping outside Sunday because they often "bark all night." Local fishermen recently told him they've heard growling noises in the brush along the river.
The track also led to memories of when his three daughters saw what they think was a Sasquatch at the end of Wilseem Road about 30 years ago. "It was just getting dark and it was standing by a ditch just staring at us," remembers daughter Jeanne Bob, who claims she saw a Sasquatch about 40 feet away. "It was really big, black and hairy, and had a very strong smell. I wasn't kidding then and now I really believe it."
John Kirk, president of the B.C. Scientific Crypto zoology organization, says the footprints in Joe's berry patch are "a hoax or it's the real thing." The soil was too soft to reveal a double ball on the foot, an indicator some investigators believe sets real Sasquatch tracks from fakes. The double ball would be needed to carry the weight of an eight-foot creature, Kirk said. "Each foot print also has to be different because of walking mechanics. With fakes, every footprint is exactly the same."
The footprints found in Francis Joe’s strawberry field are three inches deep, which Kirk says is very significant, because, "An imprint that much deeper than a human's indicates a much greater weight".
Is Sasquatch real? Like the cougar he’s rarely ever seen. Over the centuries the Cowichan tribe’s people who have witnessed it have become true believers of the existence of a species known to the Cowichans as Thumquas. One thing is undeniable; there is a substantial amount of evidence that supports the existence of such a creature.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Late At Night
"LATE AT NIGHT" by Allex Michael, A True Story...
"My family has always been notorious for doing things at odd hours and as you may well know, the strangest things always happen late at night. It was an unusually warm autumn, some years ago and at 16 years of age I had just finished a summer job as an arts and crafts camp counselor. The only thing left to do was pick up a rather large trunk filled with my belongings. Unable to fit such a large trunk inside the VW Beetle, I had purchased just a few weeks before, my mother was volunteered to transport it from the mountains back to the city in the larger of the family cars.
Summer camp was a very wild place for me, with staff partying every night until the wee hours of the morning. My room was near the entrance of the staff residence where all these parties took place. By late July, sleep deprived party wimps like myself were weeded out. So I built a single mattress size platform in the woods and then covered it with 'poly-plastic.'
It was a fifteen-minute walk through dense forest to get there from the residence or the road. Bow Valley Provincial Park, an undisturbed protected forest was only a stone's throw away. It is there that my mother, a small dog named Willow and myself were going to retrieve my trunk at three o'clock on a Monday morning. Why three in the morning? I could say it was the heat, but it was mostly because my father had not yet been told that the car would be leaving town. There was also my adolescent fear that knowledge of the platform construction would somehow reflect itself in a summer paycheck I had not yet received.
My mother had to be at work by six thirty so we had less than an hour to complete this covert action. As we approached the highway turnoff, a sliver of the moon cast a glowing border around southwestern Alberta's Mount Yamnuska. Driving several miles along the gravel road the camp looked deserted. Summer staff had cleared out several weeks before and a handful of permanent staff were either taking days off in the city or asleep in cabins several miles from the summer campsite.
Angling off on the side of the road, my other left the headlights on, pointing into the trees. There was some discussion about taking the twenty-pound dog-named Willow for protection. However, Willow's track record for wandering off severely threatened a successful completion of the mission. Plus very uncharacteristically, the dog named Willow refused to get out of the car and was now partially hidden under the drivers seat.
Car headlights were of no value after the first few seconds of meandering through the forest. We had a flashlight, but I was having difficulty remembering the exact location. The fifteen-minute walk turned into a 30 minute skin-scraping bushwhack, but finally we arrived at the isolated platform even though the flashlight batteries were now dead.
I assured my mother, all that needed to be done was to take down the poly plastic rain cover and carry back a mattress and the trunk. It should only take two trips.
She was noticeably silent as we began working in the darkness. My mother began untying strings securing the poly to the ground and I was kneeling on the top of the four-foot (l.2m) high platform. Stretching up to reach some tangled binder twine knots tied to a tree, a pungent smell suddenly flooded the air. My eyes moved from the knots to the tall length of plastic.
There, distorted through the semi-transparent-poly was a huge shadow only about 7 feet (2m) away. With the four-foot platform and me kneeling on top, the creature was easily at eye level. A split second later, there was an incredibly loud screaming roar. Although I know of nothing to describe it, the sound was like a peacock scream, a bear growl and a lion roar all somehow combined.
I can't tell you if I screamed. I can't tell you much of anything other than my eyes continued to peer through the plastic at this massive shadow. My five foot three inch (l.6m) tall mother had somehow leaped into the air and was now up on the platform beside me.
Whatever it was finally turned and walked slowly away on its long hind feet. We continued watching as each heavy step could be heard contracting the ground. There were no visible ears, just a sparse "Mohawk" like fringe sprouting up from the tapering top of the creature's head. From behind, the upper body appeared massive. It continued to walk upright until disappearing into the trees.
We stayed on top of the platform motionless for some time after. Then finally I started ripping down the plastic. I have no idea what my mother did during the next forty or fifty seconds but my next memory was power-walking through the forest! Balancing a single mattress on top of my head with one hand and carrying the handle of the trunk in the other, I assumed my mother was holding up the other end of the trunk.
With Willow still hidden under the driver's seat, it was a very quiet drive home.
Late at night, they say that your mind can play tricks on you but I am so certain.....
Brown bears had been in the area that summer, but I have never seen a bear walk upright that smoothly or for that long a time. Or could it have been a very large, long furred man standing over seven feet (2m) in height? I say man because intuition tells me that the creature was a male.Could it have been a sasquatch that night? I will never really know for sure but you can bet that I will keep telling the story as if it were."
"My family has always been notorious for doing things at odd hours and as you may well know, the strangest things always happen late at night. It was an unusually warm autumn, some years ago and at 16 years of age I had just finished a summer job as an arts and crafts camp counselor. The only thing left to do was pick up a rather large trunk filled with my belongings. Unable to fit such a large trunk inside the VW Beetle, I had purchased just a few weeks before, my mother was volunteered to transport it from the mountains back to the city in the larger of the family cars.
Summer camp was a very wild place for me, with staff partying every night until the wee hours of the morning. My room was near the entrance of the staff residence where all these parties took place. By late July, sleep deprived party wimps like myself were weeded out. So I built a single mattress size platform in the woods and then covered it with 'poly-plastic.'
It was a fifteen-minute walk through dense forest to get there from the residence or the road. Bow Valley Provincial Park, an undisturbed protected forest was only a stone's throw away. It is there that my mother, a small dog named Willow and myself were going to retrieve my trunk at three o'clock on a Monday morning. Why three in the morning? I could say it was the heat, but it was mostly because my father had not yet been told that the car would be leaving town. There was also my adolescent fear that knowledge of the platform construction would somehow reflect itself in a summer paycheck I had not yet received.
My mother had to be at work by six thirty so we had less than an hour to complete this covert action. As we approached the highway turnoff, a sliver of the moon cast a glowing border around southwestern Alberta's Mount Yamnuska. Driving several miles along the gravel road the camp looked deserted. Summer staff had cleared out several weeks before and a handful of permanent staff were either taking days off in the city or asleep in cabins several miles from the summer campsite.
Angling off on the side of the road, my other left the headlights on, pointing into the trees. There was some discussion about taking the twenty-pound dog-named Willow for protection. However, Willow's track record for wandering off severely threatened a successful completion of the mission. Plus very uncharacteristically, the dog named Willow refused to get out of the car and was now partially hidden under the drivers seat.
Car headlights were of no value after the first few seconds of meandering through the forest. We had a flashlight, but I was having difficulty remembering the exact location. The fifteen-minute walk turned into a 30 minute skin-scraping bushwhack, but finally we arrived at the isolated platform even though the flashlight batteries were now dead.
I assured my mother, all that needed to be done was to take down the poly plastic rain cover and carry back a mattress and the trunk. It should only take two trips.
She was noticeably silent as we began working in the darkness. My mother began untying strings securing the poly to the ground and I was kneeling on the top of the four-foot (l.2m) high platform. Stretching up to reach some tangled binder twine knots tied to a tree, a pungent smell suddenly flooded the air. My eyes moved from the knots to the tall length of plastic.
There, distorted through the semi-transparent-poly was a huge shadow only about 7 feet (2m) away. With the four-foot platform and me kneeling on top, the creature was easily at eye level. A split second later, there was an incredibly loud screaming roar. Although I know of nothing to describe it, the sound was like a peacock scream, a bear growl and a lion roar all somehow combined.
I can't tell you if I screamed. I can't tell you much of anything other than my eyes continued to peer through the plastic at this massive shadow. My five foot three inch (l.6m) tall mother had somehow leaped into the air and was now up on the platform beside me.
Whatever it was finally turned and walked slowly away on its long hind feet. We continued watching as each heavy step could be heard contracting the ground. There were no visible ears, just a sparse "Mohawk" like fringe sprouting up from the tapering top of the creature's head. From behind, the upper body appeared massive. It continued to walk upright until disappearing into the trees.
We stayed on top of the platform motionless for some time after. Then finally I started ripping down the plastic. I have no idea what my mother did during the next forty or fifty seconds but my next memory was power-walking through the forest! Balancing a single mattress on top of my head with one hand and carrying the handle of the trunk in the other, I assumed my mother was holding up the other end of the trunk.
With Willow still hidden under the driver's seat, it was a very quiet drive home.
Late at night, they say that your mind can play tricks on you but I am so certain.....
Brown bears had been in the area that summer, but I have never seen a bear walk upright that smoothly or for that long a time. Or could it have been a very large, long furred man standing over seven feet (2m) in height? I say man because intuition tells me that the creature was a male.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sasquatch Report Form
If you have had an encounter with a Sasquatch/Bigfoot please follow the link and fill out the "Sasquatch Report Form. Your privacy is number 1, if you would like to remain anonymous your personal information WILL NOT be shown...Thanks Lee BCSO.http://thesearchforsasquatch.webs.com/sightingreportform.htm
Monday, October 18, 2010
Comox Lake Sasquatch #2 ( Full Story)
Due to my first post (Comox lake Sasquatch) getting so much interest ( net hits) I feel I owe it to my viewers to give them the complete story of my sighting .
Two of my brothers showed up from our home town , Duncan B.C for a visit.We had no intentions of going camping but decided on a whim as we were all pretty young back in the early 90's and like many other young people made a last minute decision .After packing some things we made our way to Comox lake
If my memory serves me correct it was around 12am when we left my house. (I have left my brothers names out as per request, so I will make them new names.) My brother Aaron was driving well my brother James was sitting in the middle back seat, I was riding shotgun.We were about 1klm from the lake (Courtenay's side) when way off in the distance we saw something move from right to left crossing the road just beyond the headlights , James said " Hey , did you guys see that?" I said "Yes , something walked across the road ", Aaron said "I didn't see anything" . The distance was quite far and it didn't look like anything more then a obscured dark shadow in the distance ( We gave this incident no more thought).
We arrived at the lake a few minutes later,we drove over the dam and checked a few different spots only to find others had already taken them .We cruised around for quite some time before becoming discouraged . We then decided to leave this area and head back to my place.
As we were driving away from the lake we were coming into an area known as the coal hills . ( The area has dramatically changed since the early 90's with tons of fill being added and a clear cut slash opposite the coal hills on the right hand side of the road.) As we rounded a bend on the road (high beams on) We saw a hair covered creature step out of the woods to our left,standing on two feet and moved quickly across the road to our right and into the woods , I figured it to be approximately 20' to 25' in front of us and was in full view of the headlights from head to toe. I estimated the creature to be 6'6" to 7' tall and blackish in color.I had enough time to observe it from head to toe ,what I noticed was it resembled an ape but moved more like a man.It's face was dark and it's eyes could not really be seen because of the shadowing of the night,the rest of it's body was covered with fur as well as the tops of it feet.When the creature was about a third of the way across the road it turned it's upper body and head towards us and then turned away as it moved off the road and into the forest ( This sighting happened about 2klm further from the lake then what James and I had seen well coming into the lake ,what ever that may have been?) At this point all three of us were beside ourselves , there was a lot of excitement about what we had just seen.My brother Aaron put the peddle to the metal as we drove straight to the police station to report what we had just seen.
When we showed up to the Police station we were all still very excited over the whole experience .
I buzzed the intercom and the lady on the other end asked what it was we wanted . We said we wanted to talk to a constable about a Sasquatch we just saw out at Comox lake , she said "really?" I said "yes, my brother drove around a blind corner near comox lake and out came what looked like a Bigfoot right in front of us",she sounded just as excited as we were and said she would send a constable right out to talk to us.As soon as the constable came out he was kinda smirking and was quick to ask us if we had been drinking or doing any drugs ? We were quick to tell him that we had not and that they should probably get out there and take a look around . I said " if it's someone playing a joke then there going to get hit and possibly even killed ". The constable did not at all seem interested in what we had just told him. He did say " look , I'll tell you what , we will send out some tourists tomorrow with some blaster and they can get some footprints casted " then he laughed .It was about then we left the station and headed home.
My brothers and I can say for 100% certainty that what we saw was absolutely not a bear and that it was a bipedal creature which looked like the Sasquatch/Bigfoot which was filmed by Roger Patterson( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXv3fKulTXA ) in Bluff creek during the late 1960's about the only difference is the Patterson/Gimlin footage was of a female, our sighting was of a male.
Two of my brothers showed up from our home town , Duncan B.C for a visit.We had no intentions of going camping but decided on a whim as we were all pretty young back in the early 90's and like many other young people made a last minute decision .After packing some things we made our way to Comox lake
If my memory serves me correct it was around 12am when we left my house. (I have left my brothers names out as per request, so I will make them new names.) My brother Aaron was driving well my brother James was sitting in the middle back seat, I was riding shotgun.We were about 1klm from the lake (Courtenay's side) when way off in the distance we saw something move from right to left crossing the road just beyond the headlights , James said " Hey , did you guys see that?" I said "Yes , something walked across the road ", Aaron said "I didn't see anything" . The distance was quite far and it didn't look like anything more then a obscured dark shadow in the distance ( We gave this incident no more thought).
We arrived at the lake a few minutes later,we drove over the dam and checked a few different spots only to find others had already taken them .We cruised around for quite some time before becoming discouraged . We then decided to leave this area and head back to my place.
As we were driving away from the lake we were coming into an area known as the coal hills . ( The area has dramatically changed since the early 90's with tons of fill being added and a clear cut slash opposite the coal hills on the right hand side of the road.) As we rounded a bend on the road (high beams on) We saw a hair covered creature step out of the woods to our left,standing on two feet and moved quickly across the road to our right and into the woods , I figured it to be approximately 20' to 25' in front of us and was in full view of the headlights from head to toe. I estimated the creature to be 6'6" to 7' tall and blackish in color.I had enough time to observe it from head to toe ,what I noticed was it resembled an ape but moved more like a man.It's face was dark and it's eyes could not really be seen because of the shadowing of the night,the rest of it's body was covered with fur as well as the tops of it feet.When the creature was about a third of the way across the road it turned it's upper body and head towards us and then turned away as it moved off the road and into the forest ( This sighting happened about 2klm further from the lake then what James and I had seen well coming into the lake ,what ever that may have been?) At this point all three of us were beside ourselves , there was a lot of excitement about what we had just seen.My brother Aaron put the peddle to the metal as we drove straight to the police station to report what we had just seen.
When we showed up to the Police station we were all still very excited over the whole experience .
I buzzed the intercom and the lady on the other end asked what it was we wanted . We said we wanted to talk to a constable about a Sasquatch we just saw out at Comox lake , she said "really?" I said "yes, my brother drove around a blind corner near comox lake and out came what looked like a Bigfoot right in front of us",she sounded just as excited as we were and said she would send a constable right out to talk to us.As soon as the constable came out he was kinda smirking and was quick to ask us if we had been drinking or doing any drugs ? We were quick to tell him that we had not and that they should probably get out there and take a look around . I said " if it's someone playing a joke then there going to get hit and possibly even killed ". The constable did not at all seem interested in what we had just told him. He did say " look , I'll tell you what , we will send out some tourists tomorrow with some blaster and they can get some footprints casted " then he laughed .It was about then we left the station and headed home.
My brothers and I can say for 100% certainty that what we saw was absolutely not a bear and that it was a bipedal creature which looked like the Sasquatch/Bigfoot which was filmed by Roger Patterson( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXv3fKulTXA ) in Bluff creek during the late 1960's about the only difference is the Patterson/Gimlin footage was of a female, our sighting was of a male.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cowichan Gets A Double Shot Of Movie Magic
Love’s lessons and sasquatch legends are the subjects of two separate movies being shot this week in Cowichan.
Louise McMurray of Film Cowichan said the made-for-TV flick Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow was being filmed at various locations, as was a global documentary about the hairy critter also called Bigfoot or Tthamuqwus in the Hul’qumi’num language.
“Apparently there’ve been quite a few sightings around here,” McMurray said of the elusive sasquatch, a creature called the yeti in Asia.
One episode happened in June 2003 when the News Leader Pictorial reported what some locals said where bigfoot tracks in farmland soil on reserve land near the Cowichan River.
McMurray said sasquatch documentary crews were shooting in the Mesachie Lake, Chemainus River and, Mount Sicker Road and Quw’utsun’ Cultural Centre areas.
McMurray’s heard of sasquatch sightings in the Quamichan Marsh area too.
Meanwhile, producer Paul Raymond of Vancouver’s Front Street Pictures said his “low-budget” romance flick — starring Richard Thomas, alias John Boy of TV’s The Walton’s fame — found the right atmosphere in downtown Duncan for Hallmark Network’s project under director Gary Harvey.
“Duncan has that small-town look. This picture’s set in a small town that’s almost a character in the story.”
Yesterday’s other local sites include the Cowichan and Cairnsmore lodge areas, Quamichan Inn, Genoa Bay Road and near Just Jake’s bistro.
“We could shoot this in Victoria but we’re always piecing together small towns.
“Duncan’s like a back lot to us. The community’s been very supportive,” Raymond said.
Marvelous, hinted McMurray.
“It’s a pretty major production for our area,” she said.
Yesterday’s plot sees Thomas as a small-town reporter who heads to the big smoke to work on a daily where he writes a controversially tragic story.
“He runs back to the small town and discovers his roots, and how much he missies the small town,” Raymond said.
“He also recaptures his love,” he said of Thomas’ lover, portrayed by Christine Chatelaine.
It was unknown when Yesterday would air in Canada but it will be screened in early 2011 stateside.
He said more Front Street pictures could come to use Cowichan’s various rustic locations.
“We hope to be back
Louise McMurray of Film Cowichan said the made-for-TV flick Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow was being filmed at various locations, as was a global documentary about the hairy critter also called Bigfoot or Tthamuqwus in the Hul’qumi’num language.
“Apparently there’ve been quite a few sightings around here,” McMurray said of the elusive sasquatch, a creature called the yeti in Asia.
One episode happened in June 2003 when the News Leader Pictorial reported what some locals said where bigfoot tracks in farmland soil on reserve land near the Cowichan River.
McMurray said sasquatch documentary crews were shooting in the Mesachie Lake, Chemainus River and, Mount Sicker Road and Quw’utsun’ Cultural Centre areas.
McMurray’s heard of sasquatch sightings in the Quamichan Marsh area too.
Meanwhile, producer Paul Raymond of Vancouver’s Front Street Pictures said his “low-budget” romance flick — starring Richard Thomas, alias John Boy of TV’s The Walton’s fame — found the right atmosphere in downtown Duncan for Hallmark Network’s project under director Gary Harvey.
“Duncan has that small-town look. This picture’s set in a small town that’s almost a character in the story.”
Yesterday’s other local sites include the Cowichan and Cairnsmore lodge areas, Quamichan Inn, Genoa Bay Road and near Just Jake’s bistro.
“We could shoot this in Victoria but we’re always piecing together small towns.
“Duncan’s like a back lot to us. The community’s been very supportive,” Raymond said.
Marvelous, hinted McMurray.
“It’s a pretty major production for our area,” she said.
Yesterday’s plot sees Thomas as a small-town reporter who heads to the big smoke to work on a daily where he writes a controversially tragic story.
“He runs back to the small town and discovers his roots, and how much he missies the small town,” Raymond said.
“He also recaptures his love,” he said of Thomas’ lover, portrayed by Christine Chatelaine.
It was unknown when Yesterday would air in Canada but it will be screened in early 2011 stateside.
He said more Front Street pictures could come to use Cowichan’s various rustic locations.
“We hope to be back
New Sasquatch Forum
I have created a new Sasquatch/Bigfoot forum at the following address : http://vancouverislandsasquatch.freeforums.org/vancouver-island-sasquatch-sightings-bcso-t3.html
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Mt Sicker Research.
Reason for research on Mt Sicker : The BFRO released a report which was numbered 27847 :" Daylight sighting and possible vocals on Vancouver island outside Duncan" . Sighting was June 6th/2010
The witness in this report said well 4x4ing with a friend he saw a animal standing by a stump aprox 8' or 9' tall and 300'or 400' away,he observed it for about 20-seconds before it moved out of sight down a ridge.While standing by his vehicle he and his friend joked about it for about 15-minutes when about 20' away just inside the woods they heard a powerful grunting sound sending a base like feeling through there bodies ,scaring them into there vehicle and down the mountain.To read the full BFRO report click the link : http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=27847 .
Josh and I arrived at the base of Mt Sicker at 7:20am Sat oct 2nd/2010 . We drove up the mountain from the Mt Provost entrance driving for about 15-minutes when we came to a recently logged area which looked like a good spot to check for tracks, so we pulled over to see what we could find . A side from the usual suspects,human,elk and deer we found nothing out of the ordinary.We carried on to an area of Mt Sicker known as the "plantation".In this spot we drove all the roads and became familiar with our surroundings.It was at this point we decided to take a walk to check the area for any possible evidence.This turned up nothing , we decided to do a call blasting session which started at 8:10am ,the session turned up no replies.
We then turned to rock knocking which to turned up nothing..
Josh and I then made our way to the end of a short logging road a little further up the mountain with a great view of a slash below . We decided to get out of the truck to take a look for any movement in the slash or the bordering tree line below ,again we saw and heard nothing.
We then moved around to the backside of the mountain and into some heavy tree cover , I noticed a small sand pile to my left just off the road ,I also observed what looked like a possible track which was quite weathered just in front of the sand pile, at this point we decided to pull over to investigate the track. The track measured 14"inches in length and 4.5" inches is width. After covering the rest of the area around the sand pile Josh and I turned our attention across the road where we noticed some fresh wolf scat and a large blackberry bush ,to the left of the blackberries I noticed a heavily cover area of evergreens which when I lifted some of the branches looked like a possible bedding area for black bear ,Josh and I decided to move into this area for further investigation.We found some old bear scat ,we guessed it to be at least 6 to 8 weeks old , as we moved back deeper into the forest Josh was about 20-feet in front of me when to my 11 o'clock position I heard something big move off deeper into the forest away from us ,I stopped immediately and turned toward Josh,Josh was crouched and very still looking towards the direction we had heard the noise.At this point I walked up to Josh and asked him if he had had a visual of whatever it was? The following is what Josh said "Ya , I had a visual ,man did it ever move .It looked like two black bear legs moving away at an incredible speed,wow,weird.The legs seemed too skinny to be a bear and wow did it ever move quick".I then asked Josh if he saw anymore of the animal then just it's two legs?Josh said "no,the bush was to thick to see anything above the two legs but whatever it was it definitely moved away on two legs or at least that's what it looked like".At this point we decided to not pursue the animal in case it was a bear and pissed off.
We decided that setting up the trail cam at this location with some bate was a good idea so as we got back to the truck I looked at the blackberry bush to see if maybe a bear had been eating them ,what I observed was the bush was full and didn't appear to have been eat in from.
The trail cam was set up at 9:21am ,we then left the area in hopes that whatever we heard and Josh seen would come back tripping the camera's sensor.
We drove a couple klm's away where we came to the top of a valley . We then decided to drive down into the valley and do some more investigating on foot. We tried some more wood knocking which turned up nothing.We then decided to take some human foot measurement in a small patch of mud that we had found,we wanted to record our average stride for data ,we also wanted to see if we could create the 53"stride that the Sasquatch had made which the BFRO team had recorded on Mt Sicker in June of this year.
The following is what we recorded:
Note:Josh and I are the same height,5'11.5"
Average human stride = 29"
Maximum human stride (stretching legs as far as possible) = 49"
Jumping between steps = 59"
Measurements were made by either measuring toe to toe or heel to heel.
After a little further investigation in this general area we decided to retrieve the trail cam.
We arrived back to the trail cam at 11:20 am,there were no pictures taken.
After another quick look around in this area we moved to the old Sicker mine.We poked around for a while but found nothing out of the ordinary.We retraced our steps back to the "plantation"area and took a walk up an old road , Josh found a few interesting tracks but because they were in moss and quite scuffed they were unidentifiable.We then came to a trail on our right so we ventured down it coming across a few smaller sized trees which looked like they may have been deliberately busted and pulled across the trail.After further investigation we could not come to a final conclusion.We both thought it too be odd .
We then returned to the truck moving to the top of Mt Sicker opposite the radio tower.This spot looked like a great area to do some more sound blasting and wood knocking , we did both but primarily stuck with the wood knocking.This carried on for quite some time , we received no replies .
As we moved back down and around the mountain we found a couple trails running parallel too each other so we decided to stop and check the trails out . Other then the both of us feeling like we were being watched nothing else was seen , heard or smelt.
We then decided to call it and headed home.
All in all we feel the trip was a success though the elusive Sasquatch remains elusive.
A second follow up trip is already in the works.
Notes : Trip start time 5:30am . Trip ended 5:30pm
Weather conditions on Mt Sicker : 7:20am,temp +13, light cloud cover , slight breeze .
Maximum Temp +18 , clouds dissipated at 11:10 am , remained clear all day with slight breeze.
Other notes : Original BFRO report was omitted upon request, exact location of Sicker Sasquatch incident unknown at this time.
This post with extra pictures from our trip can also be found at my new site "British Columbia Sasquatch Organization" http://thesearchforsasquatch.webs.com/apps/blog/
The witness in this report said well 4x4ing with a friend he saw a animal standing by a stump aprox 8' or 9' tall and 300'or 400' away,he observed it for about 20-seconds before it moved out of sight down a ridge.While standing by his vehicle he and his friend joked about it for about 15-minutes when about 20' away just inside the woods they heard a powerful grunting sound sending a base like feeling through there bodies ,scaring them into there vehicle and down the mountain.To read the full BFRO report click the link : http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=27847 .
Josh and I arrived at the base of Mt Sicker at 7:20am Sat oct 2nd/2010 . We drove up the mountain from the Mt Provost entrance driving for about 15-minutes when we came to a recently logged area which looked like a good spot to check for tracks, so we pulled over to see what we could find . A side from the usual suspects,human,elk and deer we found nothing out of the ordinary.We carried on to an area of Mt Sicker known as the "plantation".In this spot we drove all the roads and became familiar with our surroundings.It was at this point we decided to take a walk to check the area for any possible evidence.This turned up nothing , we decided to do a call blasting session which started at 8:10am ,the session turned up no replies.
We then turned to rock knocking which to turned up nothing..
Josh and I then made our way to the end of a short logging road a little further up the mountain with a great view of a slash below . We decided to get out of the truck to take a look for any movement in the slash or the bordering tree line below ,again we saw and heard nothing.
We then moved around to the backside of the mountain and into some heavy tree cover , I noticed a small sand pile to my left just off the road ,I also observed what looked like a possible track which was quite weathered just in front of the sand pile, at this point we decided to pull over to investigate the track. The track measured 14"inches in length and 4.5" inches is width. After covering the rest of the area around the sand pile Josh and I turned our attention across the road where we noticed some fresh wolf scat and a large blackberry bush ,to the left of the blackberries I noticed a heavily cover area of evergreens which when I lifted some of the branches looked like a possible bedding area for black bear ,Josh and I decided to move into this area for further investigation.We found some old bear scat ,we guessed it to be at least 6 to 8 weeks old , as we moved back deeper into the forest Josh was about 20-feet in front of me when to my 11 o'clock position I heard something big move off deeper into the forest away from us ,I stopped immediately and turned toward Josh,Josh was crouched and very still looking towards the direction we had heard the noise.At this point I walked up to Josh and asked him if he had had a visual of whatever it was? The following is what Josh said "Ya , I had a visual ,man did it ever move .It looked like two black bear legs moving away at an incredible speed,wow,weird.The legs seemed too skinny to be a bear and wow did it ever move quick".I then asked Josh if he saw anymore of the animal then just it's two legs?Josh said "no,the bush was to thick to see anything above the two legs but whatever it was it definitely moved away on two legs or at least that's what it looked like".At this point we decided to not pursue the animal in case it was a bear and pissed off.
We decided that setting up the trail cam at this location with some bate was a good idea so as we got back to the truck I looked at the blackberry bush to see if maybe a bear had been eating them ,what I observed was the bush was full and didn't appear to have been eat in from.
The trail cam was set up at 9:21am ,we then left the area in hopes that whatever we heard and Josh seen would come back tripping the camera's sensor.
We drove a couple klm's away where we came to the top of a valley . We then decided to drive down into the valley and do some more investigating on foot. We tried some more wood knocking which turned up nothing.We then decided to take some human foot measurement in a small patch of mud that we had found,we wanted to record our average stride for data ,we also wanted to see if we could create the 53"stride that the Sasquatch had made which the BFRO team had recorded on Mt Sicker in June of this year.
The following is what we recorded:
Note:Josh and I are the same height,5'11.5"
Average human stride = 29"
Maximum human stride (stretching legs as far as possible) = 49"
Jumping between steps = 59"
Measurements were made by either measuring toe to toe or heel to heel.
After a little further investigation in this general area we decided to retrieve the trail cam.
We arrived back to the trail cam at 11:20 am,there were no pictures taken.
After another quick look around in this area we moved to the old Sicker mine.We poked around for a while but found nothing out of the ordinary.We retraced our steps back to the "plantation"area and took a walk up an old road , Josh found a few interesting tracks but because they were in moss and quite scuffed they were unidentifiable.We then came to a trail on our right so we ventured down it coming across a few smaller sized trees which looked like they may have been deliberately busted and pulled across the trail.After further investigation we could not come to a final conclusion.We both thought it too be odd .
We then returned to the truck moving to the top of Mt Sicker opposite the radio tower.This spot looked like a great area to do some more sound blasting and wood knocking , we did both but primarily stuck with the wood knocking.This carried on for quite some time , we received no replies .
As we moved back down and around the mountain we found a couple trails running parallel too each other so we decided to stop and check the trails out . Other then the both of us feeling like we were being watched nothing else was seen , heard or smelt.
We then decided to call it and headed home.
All in all we feel the trip was a success though the elusive Sasquatch remains elusive.
A second follow up trip is already in the works.
Notes : Trip start time 5:30am . Trip ended 5:30pm
Weather conditions on Mt Sicker : 7:20am,temp +13, light cloud cover , slight breeze .
Maximum Temp +18 , clouds dissipated at 11:10 am , remained clear all day with slight breeze.
Other notes : Original BFRO report was omitted upon request, exact location of Sicker Sasquatch incident unknown at this time.
This post with extra pictures from our trip can also be found at my new site "British Columbia Sasquatch Organization" http://thesearchforsasquatch.webs.com/apps/blog/
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Mt Sicker Sasquatch (This report is from the "BFRO")
YEAR: 2010
SEASON: Summer
DATE: Sunday, 06
PROVINCE: British Columbia
LOCATION DETAILS: This sighting was on Mt.Sicker just outside duncan B.C. The clear cut area has been cut for a few years but they have recently started logging areas nearby. (Specific directions omitted upon request.)
OBSERVED: A friend and I were 4x4ing up in the back woods just outside of Duncan. We pulled up onto a look out on the top of a mountain in a clear cut area. The area is full of rolling ridges and hills. As we were sitting there I was looking out over the area and right near a bit or a ridge about 300-400 feet I saw a figure walking. It looked like it was on 2 feet approx...8 mabey 9 feet, kind of hard to tell at that distance. As soon as i realized i was seeing something i watched as it dropped down the ridge and dissapeared (this was around 9:30 pm) Jokingly i said to my friend "i think i saw a SAMSQUATCH"....quite often youll see a stump and go "hey is that a bear" but this thing didnt move like a bear. It looked like it was between 8-9 feet, his shoulders seemed slumped and draped in long black and brown hair, his arms seemed to hang lower than his waist and his head was a long oval again draped in hair... and then he was gone.
So we had out little laugh ya know, im seeing things.. 10-15 minutes later we were sitting there talking and my friend heard a noise at about the 2 o'clock position from the front of my jeep, we didnt pay to much attention but as we sat there we kept hearing it... Like a low deep grunt. We kept hearing the noise but only when we weren't really paying attention. Finally we got out of the jeep figuring mabey we will hear it better.. Needless to say i picked up some rocks and i started throwing them into the bush at first i through them towards the 5'oclock position and and then towards the 2 oclock. That got no results so my friend started yelling random things towards the bush making an echo... still nothing... we then moved back towards my jeep we were standing near the passenger side door when all of a sudden we heard that loud deep grunt again but this time it was coming from the 5'oclock position no more than 20 feet away from us. We heard no crashing through the bush even though the noise moved from the front of the jeep to the back of the jeep. This noise was like nothing i have heard before... the only way i can desribe it would be like 10 dogs in perfect synchronization letting out 1 short grunting bark at a time... It had so much bass that it just cut through the air... Instantly the hair was standing on the back of our necks and we ran back into the jeep. We then spun the jeep around to try and see anything with the headlights... with no luck, so we got out of there for about the next 3-5 kilometers driving down the mountain (about 15 kmh) it felt like we were being watched it was creepy. Its like whatever i think i saw travelled through the bush in front of us beside us and then up behind us.
ALSO NOTICED: There was a small black and white bird that kept squawking around us the whole time we were there. As the big noise that was close to us happend he was swooping around right around us..
OTHER WITNESSES: Me and my friend. We had just driven up to the lookout spot and hadnt been there more than 5 mintues
OTHER STORIES: Not in the same area, but more in the cowichan valley.
TIME AND CONDITIONS: I saw the creature at about 9:30 it was clear (we were above the clouds)and still bright.
The sounds started 10 minutes after that and proceeded untill about 10:10 when the noise was heard 20 feet behind us.. by this time the light was dissapearing and headlights were starting to be needed.
ENVIRONMENT: Top of the mountain in a clear cut area with rolling hills and ridges surrounded by pine and fir trees in behind us.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Cindy Dosen:
I contacted the witness on June 7 to verify the details of his report. The witnesses also agreed to meet me on June 10 at 7:30 pm where his sighting took place. I found this witness to be naive on the nature of Sasquatch. His accounts of this sighting I find to be credible.
On Sunday June 6, at approx. 9:30pm the witness and his girlfriend were out for an evening 4x4 on a local mountain top. They had parked on top off a small cut slash area that overlooked the valleys below. The witness and girlfriend got out of the truck to stretch, this is when the witness seen a large upright figure standing by a stump. The stump was located at the tip of a gully that disappears into the forest line. This figure then turned to its left and walked back down the gully. The witness had viewed this animal for 20-secs before he lost sight of it. He was adamant that it was not a bear, it had no snout, and arms hung beside it not in front of it. The witness was taken back by this visual, he turned and asked his girlfriend if she seen it. The two then moved back closer to the truck, and discussed what just happened. The witness said they were talking and laughing for 15 mins. when far behind them came a extremely loud bark-growl type sound. The witness said the sound hit him in the back of the head with the velocity of like being at a concert. The two witnesses were scared so they jumped into the truck and left.
On June 10 at 7:30pm we arrived at the meeting place where I introduced my husband and myself to the two witnesses. He explained where his position was when his sighting occurred. From this point my husband used a laser range finder to measure the distance from us to the stump. The distance was 96 yards to the stump and 105 yards to the edge of the gully. We walked out to the stump, leaving the girlfriend behind at the truck. She was still to frightened from her previous experience. We found several impressions in the soil around the stump. Then tracked the impressions heading south down the draw, into the 2nd growth fir trees. The impressions were not casted due to poor surface conditions. Three impressions had some good toe outlines, heel outlines and a complete foot outline. The impressions all measured 13.5” to 14” long and 5.5” to 6” wide. They were spaced out at a stride of 53” long. I asked the two witnesses to re-enact where they were, and what they were doing just before the vocalization occurred. We then used a search pattern to check for other signs. One more impressions was found 50 feet adjacent to them in a treeline area with dense brush and a water body. This grass impression measured 13.8” long and 6” wide. This concluded our evening with the witness.
On June 12 at 3:00pm two other BFRO Investigators, Dave H., Alex S., and myself arrived at the sighting area to do a larger search pattern of the area. I retraced the sighting information to them. Dave stood beside the stump for photo measurements of his height comparison to the stump. Dave's leg length foot/hip was 2' 7”. The witness stated the leg was almost even with the top of the stump, making the animal's leg approx. 4' long from foot/hip. This making the leg longer than a normal bear. Hands were hanging down past the top of the stump, making the arms longer than the average bear. The animal's height would have been around the 7' plus mark.
The search pattern conducted on the other side of the water area produced another impression. This was found by Alex and the measurements were again 14” long and 6” wide, with very similar toe and heel edges, as the other impressions.
We moved our search down towards an old logging trail approx. 2000 yards heading North of the sighting area. The overgrown trail was lush with ferns, mossy trees, and numerous elk signs. We walked for 8 mins. down the trail. We came across a water spring dripping down the embankment and wetting the trail in front of us. Dave found a deep water-filled impression in the embankment that measured 14” long and 5.5” wide . The toes had slid in the print making it undesirable for casting for any sharp detail. This was the last sign we found in our search.
This investigation has turned up some credible evidence that the witness sighting was of an animal he had never seen before. I have found other reports of sightings in this general area in the past five years. The area has been closed off to the public access for over 20 years. This spring the mountain has been re-opened for hunting & public recreation. The area had been logged off in areas long ago making this area rich with fauna for elk and deer. Large parcels of old growth fir still remain in areas as well.
SEASON: Summer
DATE: Sunday, 06
PROVINCE: British Columbia
LOCATION DETAILS: This sighting was on Mt.Sicker just outside duncan B.C. The clear cut area has been cut for a few years but they have recently started logging areas nearby. (Specific directions omitted upon request.)
OBSERVED: A friend and I were 4x4ing up in the back woods just outside of Duncan. We pulled up onto a look out on the top of a mountain in a clear cut area. The area is full of rolling ridges and hills. As we were sitting there I was looking out over the area and right near a bit or a ridge about 300-400 feet I saw a figure walking. It looked like it was on 2 feet approx...8 mabey 9 feet, kind of hard to tell at that distance. As soon as i realized i was seeing something i watched as it dropped down the ridge and dissapeared (this was around 9:30 pm) Jokingly i said to my friend "i think i saw a SAMSQUATCH"....quite often youll see a stump and go "hey is that a bear" but this thing didnt move like a bear. It looked like it was between 8-9 feet, his shoulders seemed slumped and draped in long black and brown hair, his arms seemed to hang lower than his waist and his head was a long oval again draped in hair... and then he was gone.
So we had out little laugh ya know, im seeing things.. 10-15 minutes later we were sitting there talking and my friend heard a noise at about the 2 o'clock position from the front of my jeep, we didnt pay to much attention but as we sat there we kept hearing it... Like a low deep grunt. We kept hearing the noise but only when we weren't really paying attention. Finally we got out of the jeep figuring mabey we will hear it better.. Needless to say i picked up some rocks and i started throwing them into the bush at first i through them towards the 5'oclock position and and then towards the 2 oclock. That got no results so my friend started yelling random things towards the bush making an echo... still nothing... we then moved back towards my jeep we were standing near the passenger side door when all of a sudden we heard that loud deep grunt again but this time it was coming from the 5'oclock position no more than 20 feet away from us. We heard no crashing through the bush even though the noise moved from the front of the jeep to the back of the jeep. This noise was like nothing i have heard before... the only way i can desribe it would be like 10 dogs in perfect synchronization letting out 1 short grunting bark at a time... It had so much bass that it just cut through the air... Instantly the hair was standing on the back of our necks and we ran back into the jeep. We then spun the jeep around to try and see anything with the headlights... with no luck, so we got out of there for about the next 3-5 kilometers driving down the mountain (about 15 kmh) it felt like we were being watched it was creepy. Its like whatever i think i saw travelled through the bush in front of us beside us and then up behind us.
ALSO NOTICED: There was a small black and white bird that kept squawking around us the whole time we were there. As the big noise that was close to us happend he was swooping around right around us..
OTHER WITNESSES: Me and my friend. We had just driven up to the lookout spot and hadnt been there more than 5 mintues
OTHER STORIES: Not in the same area, but more in the cowichan valley.
TIME AND CONDITIONS: I saw the creature at about 9:30 it was clear (we were above the clouds)and still bright.
The sounds started 10 minutes after that and proceeded untill about 10:10 when the noise was heard 20 feet behind us.. by this time the light was dissapearing and headlights were starting to be needed.
ENVIRONMENT: Top of the mountain in a clear cut area with rolling hills and ridges surrounded by pine and fir trees in behind us.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Cindy Dosen:
I contacted the witness on June 7 to verify the details of his report. The witnesses also agreed to meet me on June 10 at 7:30 pm where his sighting took place. I found this witness to be naive on the nature of Sasquatch. His accounts of this sighting I find to be credible.
On Sunday June 6, at approx. 9:30pm the witness and his girlfriend were out for an evening 4x4 on a local mountain top. They had parked on top off a small cut slash area that overlooked the valleys below. The witness and girlfriend got out of the truck to stretch, this is when the witness seen a large upright figure standing by a stump. The stump was located at the tip of a gully that disappears into the forest line. This figure then turned to its left and walked back down the gully. The witness had viewed this animal for 20-secs before he lost sight of it. He was adamant that it was not a bear, it had no snout, and arms hung beside it not in front of it. The witness was taken back by this visual, he turned and asked his girlfriend if she seen it. The two then moved back closer to the truck, and discussed what just happened. The witness said they were talking and laughing for 15 mins. when far behind them came a extremely loud bark-growl type sound. The witness said the sound hit him in the back of the head with the velocity of like being at a concert. The two witnesses were scared so they jumped into the truck and left.
On June 10 at 7:30pm we arrived at the meeting place where I introduced my husband and myself to the two witnesses. He explained where his position was when his sighting occurred. From this point my husband used a laser range finder to measure the distance from us to the stump. The distance was 96 yards to the stump and 105 yards to the edge of the gully. We walked out to the stump, leaving the girlfriend behind at the truck. She was still to frightened from her previous experience. We found several impressions in the soil around the stump. Then tracked the impressions heading south down the draw, into the 2nd growth fir trees. The impressions were not casted due to poor surface conditions. Three impressions had some good toe outlines, heel outlines and a complete foot outline. The impressions all measured 13.5” to 14” long and 5.5” to 6” wide. They were spaced out at a stride of 53” long. I asked the two witnesses to re-enact where they were, and what they were doing just before the vocalization occurred. We then used a search pattern to check for other signs. One more impressions was found 50 feet adjacent to them in a treeline area with dense brush and a water body. This grass impression measured 13.8” long and 6” wide. This concluded our evening with the witness.
On June 12 at 3:00pm two other BFRO Investigators, Dave H., Alex S., and myself arrived at the sighting area to do a larger search pattern of the area. I retraced the sighting information to them. Dave stood beside the stump for photo measurements of his height comparison to the stump. Dave's leg length foot/hip was 2' 7”. The witness stated the leg was almost even with the top of the stump, making the animal's leg approx. 4' long from foot/hip. This making the leg longer than a normal bear. Hands were hanging down past the top of the stump, making the arms longer than the average bear. The animal's height would have been around the 7' plus mark.
The search pattern conducted on the other side of the water area produced another impression. This was found by Alex and the measurements were again 14” long and 6” wide, with very similar toe and heel edges, as the other impressions.
We moved our search down towards an old logging trail approx. 2000 yards heading North of the sighting area. The overgrown trail was lush with ferns, mossy trees, and numerous elk signs. We walked for 8 mins. down the trail. We came across a water spring dripping down the embankment and wetting the trail in front of us. Dave found a deep water-filled impression in the embankment that measured 14” long and 5.5” wide . The toes had slid in the print making it undesirable for casting for any sharp detail. This was the last sign we found in our search.
This investigation has turned up some credible evidence that the witness sighting was of an animal he had never seen before. I have found other reports of sightings in this general area in the past five years. The area has been closed off to the public access for over 20 years. This spring the mountain has been re-opened for hunting & public recreation. The area had been logged off in areas long ago making this area rich with fauna for elk and deer. Large parcels of old growth fir still remain in areas as well.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Site.
Just to let everyone know I have been working on a new site and will post the address up here as soon as it's up and running......thanks Lee.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sasaquatch/Bigfoot:Legend Meets Science:
A must see for all Sasquatch/Bigfoot followers...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBnxM4fqawU .
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Summer Sasquatch Research
Over the last couple of months Josh and I have done extensive research in the Mount Washington area .
We have tracked pretty much every known animal there is on Vancouver island.
The bear population is at a very high number this year as well.
We have spent much time documenting different animal tracks specifically bear and cougar.
We spent time investigating animal scat at different stages of decomposition.
We also spent time investigating what we initially thought was wood knocking only to discover the sounds we heard to be a species of bird nesting in a tree.
We have compiled some physical evidence as well which include fur samples,pictures of some oddly bent tree's and pictures with measurements of possible tracks.
We also did some sound blasting ( alleged Sasquatch calls) which at this time has turned up no results.
I have also picked up a game camera which snapped some pictures of a bear .
Over all we did a good job investigating the areas we chose to search.
We are now going to do some night time searches which will include sound blasting,(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeGPNC6qQCY)wood knocking(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibVtnOlEeJ4,light searches,bating,trap cams and recordings...
The results will be posted as soon as our trip in completed.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wood Knocking

I took a trip with my friend and team member Josh to Strathcona park .We met at the chain up area at the base of Mount Washington and headed past Wolf Lake making a left just past the lake and followed the back roads until we got into the area of Regan lake. We got out of the truck several times to investigate the surrounding areas for any trace of Sasquatch with not much luck but we were lucky enough to see a couple of big black bears.
We then came to another main logging road where we decided to get out and try our luck with some "wood knocking"which is a known way to communicate with Sasquatch.We tried this for about 10 or 15-minutes,Josh was wood knocking while I took the opportunity to check some muddy areas for foot prints it was during this search that I started to hear replies to Josh's wood knocking. I then went back to Josh and asked him to come up by where I had heard the replies.No sooner did Josh get to where I was standing just a minute earlier when we again together heard wood knocking replies.
At this point we walked down the road repeating the knocking and getting responses every time.We managed to pin point the loudest area for responses and started video taping the wood knocking session with some great responses which you can hear plain as day on my video camera.
Our wood knocking session from start to finish lasted about an hour with responses happening up until we left.
We also took the opportunity to plant some food traps in the area(muddy areas) so that maybe if a Sasquatch was around it would become curious and eat one of the food traps leaving behind a track or two for us to cast.
This was a great field trip with some great audio captured of what was possibly a Sasquatch trying to communicate with us.
We will be returning to this area tomorrow to see if our food traps caught any tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibVtnOlEeJ4
Monday, May 10, 2010
Little Anderson Lake.
On Sunday may 9th/2010 I took a trip up to the Little Anderson lake area to do some field work.The following is from my field log:
Observations:Just past the Little Anderson lake pull-off I drove over a small bridge (creek running under bridge)and was just coming into the slash area above the lake when I noticed a black bear on the right shoulder of the road,I immediately stopped my truck.I was approximately 110'from the bear.The bear looked towards me but seemed more interested in smelling out some food.I proceeded to grab my video camera and started to film.
I watched the bear for some time as it made it's way up the bank and eventually disappeared into the forest.
I drove a couple more minutes and decided to pull-over to do some wood knocking.I tried this for about 20-mins with no response."Wood knocking" is thought to be a form of communication between Sasquatch.
I then decided to investigate the area for tracks,skat or anything else out of the ordinary.I found what looked to be numerous remains of grouse who were probably killed by hunters.After searching the immediate area I drove down a short road which is located directly above Little Anderson lake and dead ends as the road moves to the right.I walked to the end of this road and looked over a bank which has a creek cutting through and observed a waterfall to my right.At this point I decided to grab my binoculars and pan the area. I fixed my binoculars along the tree line at the edge of the slash going back and forth looking for any movement but saw nothing(I repeated this several times throughout my trip).
I then turned my attention to the ground where I noticed what looked to me like a foot print with four 4-toes. The ground in this area was not overly soft so I thought it made sense that if something heavy was walking it would probably push off with its toes as it shifted to the other foot leaving a print.I took several pictures and checked the area with a fine tooth comb but was unable to find any other tracks.
As I made my way back to the truck I then heard a loud thump (sounding like something heavy hitting a hollowed out stump or an area where the ground in the forest has hollow voids.)I stopped and turned around in the direction I believed the sound was coming from (I believe the sounds origin was coming from down the bank on the other side of the creek just inside the forest,approx 300' or so feet from where I was standing)I again heard this thump , It repeated about 5 more times with about a 30-second delay in between,it then stopped.
At this point it was starting to get late so I ended my trip and headed home.
Weather details: Mainly sunny with a few clouds,slight breeze and temperature was +13
Type of area: Above Little Anderson Lake ,recently logged (last couple of years)slash,with mature forest.On mount Washington,Strathcona Park.
Reason for research in this area: Looking for evidence of Sasquatch.I have picked this area based on a triaglization of chosen sighting reports,vocalizations reports,rock throwing reports and footprint reports.This area turns out to be in the middle of the triangle.
Other notes:
#1: Footprint found and photographed was of a left foot.
#2: 1/2 klm away was where I had black bear encounter.
#3: 1klm away I found deer tracks and canine tracks.
Observations:Just past the Little Anderson lake pull-off I drove over a small bridge (creek running under bridge)and was just coming into the slash area above the lake when I noticed a black bear on the right shoulder of the road,I immediately stopped my truck.I was approximately 110'from the bear.The bear looked towards me but seemed more interested in smelling out some food.I proceeded to grab my video camera and started to film.
I watched the bear for some time as it made it's way up the bank and eventually disappeared into the forest.
I drove a couple more minutes and decided to pull-over to do some wood knocking.I tried this for about 20-mins with no response."Wood knocking" is thought to be a form of communication between Sasquatch.
I then decided to investigate the area for tracks,skat or anything else out of the ordinary.I found what looked to be numerous remains of grouse who were probably killed by hunters.After searching the immediate area I drove down a short road which is located directly above Little Anderson lake and dead ends as the road moves to the right.I walked to the end of this road and looked over a bank which has a creek cutting through and observed a waterfall to my right.At this point I decided to grab my binoculars and pan the area. I fixed my binoculars along the tree line at the edge of the slash going back and forth looking for any movement but saw nothing(I repeated this several times throughout my trip).
I then turned my attention to the ground where I noticed what looked to me like a foot print with four 4-toes. The ground in this area was not overly soft so I thought it made sense that if something heavy was walking it would probably push off with its toes as it shifted to the other foot leaving a print.I took several pictures and checked the area with a fine tooth comb but was unable to find any other tracks.
As I made my way back to the truck I then heard a loud thump (sounding like something heavy hitting a hollowed out stump or an area where the ground in the forest has hollow voids.)I stopped and turned around in the direction I believed the sound was coming from (I believe the sounds origin was coming from down the bank on the other side of the creek just inside the forest,approx 300' or so feet from where I was standing)I again heard this thump , It repeated about 5 more times with about a 30-second delay in between,it then stopped.
At this point it was starting to get late so I ended my trip and headed home.
Weather details: Mainly sunny with a few clouds,slight breeze and temperature was +13
Type of area: Above Little Anderson Lake ,recently logged (last couple of years)slash,with mature forest.On mount Washington,Strathcona Park.
Reason for research in this area: Looking for evidence of Sasquatch.I have picked this area based on a triaglization of chosen sighting reports,vocalizations reports,rock throwing reports and footprint reports.This area turns out to be in the middle of the triangle.
Other notes:
#1: Footprint found and photographed was of a left foot.
#2: 1/2 klm away was where I had black bear encounter.
#3: 1klm away I found deer tracks and canine tracks.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Understanding Sasquatch.

I have had more Sasquatch reports filtering in from the Strathcona park area,these reports have been coming in to me second hand.
I am trying to follow up with the eye witnesses and will post the reports as the eye witnesses come to me.
The year and time I have been hearing is the same as the other reports in this area,between may-sept/2006.
I have been doing very little field research as I am waiting for the weather to improve some.
One thing I have been researching lately is wild animal behavior and there interactions with humans.
The animal I have been looking at lately is the cougar because it is rarely seen by humans.
Some common and interesting facts about the cougar are its hunting ground is generally the same through out its life and can range from 100 square miles to 200 square miles, its average life span in the wild is aprox 12-years.
It preys on a variety of animals like the deer,elk,rabbit and even small moose.
It is a master of camouflage and will generally attack its prey with 2 or 3 big leaps hitting the prey with a full impact bearing the prey to the ground where it will suffocate it with a prolonged bite across the throat.
Many avid outdoors men who have spent many years in the wild have never even seen a cougar in the wild due to the cougar not wanting a human encounter.
Most reported cougar sightings come from people who have seen them crossing the road well driving well most attacks are because the cougar is starving.
Some experts in the cougar field say you are more likely to be killed by your neighbors dog or a black widow bite then a cougar .
In closing I would like to say that in the beginning of my search for the Sasquatch I thought it would be as easy as getting a camera,plaster and some reports lol.
What I have found out is the deeper I get into this search the more complex it really is.
There is so much to do and learn,from animal tracking,understanding animal behavior,skat examinations,hair sampling,filing reports and thats just the tip of iceberg.
It is my belief in order to understand the Sasquatch you must first understand its habitat and everything in it.
Friday, January 22, 2010
My Thoughts On Sasquatch
Last Monday I was in a store which had a rack of books dedicated to Sasquatch as well as other local interests.After looking through a couple of the Sasquatch books I made my way to the cashier.Well waiting in line I noticed a couple of gentlemen over at the books,they then started discussing Sasquatch.One was a firm believer while the other was smirking and chuckling about the topic.It was at this point I cut into the conversation and told them that I was a believer and that I had had my own sighting years earlier.The one gentlemen who was a non-believer laughed and asked me if I was drunk when I saw the creature.This is a very common reaction to people who have not had there own experience or have chosen not to believe,this is also why a high percentage of people who have had sightings don't talk or report them.It is my belief that people usually laugh to these types of conversations for 2-reasons.#1 they think that the witness is joking about his/her experience.#2 there mis-informed (un-educated in this topic).It is also my belief if a person actually took the time to become educated in this topic they would at a very minimum leave it with a better understanding and have more respect for those who do believe.To those of you who come to my site and don't believe ,take some time ,go through my site and the links,educate yourself .Hopefully when you are done you will have a bit more respect for the Sasquatch and the people who believe.Oh ya one more thing,If you don't believe then why are you on my site???Something peak your interest???To those who have had an experience and have yet to report it please fill out my report form further down the page and if you would like to remain anonymous your name will not be published.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Kwai Lake (Strathcona Park)

I received a report, Jan 6th 2010, from a man who may have had an experience with a Sasquatch near Kwai Lake in Strathcona park, during the summer of 2006.The following account is that of the witness.
"One night in the late summer of 2006, 2 of my friends and I had this crazy idea to go hiking.We went and bought some flashlights and started our hike from Mount Washington parking lot at 10pm. We were having a few drinks and not worrying about anything,the moon was bright enough to see when we were hiking the rocky sections but for the wooded areas we needed flashlights.We were just passing an open area and heading back into a wooded area with flashlights on,one of my friends stopped and said "hey guys listen ....nice,quiet." (Too quiet but I didn't realize) My friend said "the sound of silence." Then all of a sudden it was like a hundred birds squawking right behind us,so loud you could feel it pounding your chest. I screamed "SASQUATCH" :like a reflex without even thinking about it we started running and quickly ran out of energy. We huddled behind a large stump that was covering our backs. We then took off our back packs and took out our hunting knives,we turned off our flashlights and prepared for battle.It sounded like the sound was moving around us but not getting any closer so after a few minutes of being totally freaked out we quietly put our back packs on and got out of there.As we walked the sound faded away from behind us and we started to feel more safe.We got such an energy rush knowing we witnessed something amazing.
Follow up:
I asked the witness to describe the sound he heard in greater depth,the following was his explanation;
"The only way to describe it is that it was like a gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogol it was continuous,no breaks between,we were actually thinking there was more then one like one after another going back and forth and it may have been smashing branches and stomping to get that powerful bass sound.I don't think it was following us.I think it just wanted us out of it's neck of the woods".
I also asked the witness if he or his friends ever had a visual of what might have made the noises and the witness said "We had no visual and I don't regret it,I don't think I could of handled it at the time.Whatever it was,it was big".
Witness thinks it was in aug 2006 ,he could not confirm exact date of incident.
The experience happened in a wooded area about 2klm before Kwai Lake .
The witness had not heard of any previous incidents in this area.
The moon was bright,no clouds in area.
Between May and Aug of 2006 there were several reports all over Strathcona park which included possible Sasquatch sightings,rock throwing reports and vocalizations.
Wildlife biologist years earlier had lifted plaster moulds of Sasquatch tracks not far from this report at Lake Helen Mackenzie.
"One night in the late summer of 2006, 2 of my friends and I had this crazy idea to go hiking.We went and bought some flashlights and started our hike from Mount Washington parking lot at 10pm. We were having a few drinks and not worrying about anything,the moon was bright enough to see when we were hiking the rocky sections but for the wooded areas we needed flashlights.We were just passing an open area and heading back into a wooded area with flashlights on,one of my friends stopped and said "hey guys listen ....nice,quiet." (Too quiet but I didn't realize) My friend said "the sound of silence." Then all of a sudden it was like a hundred birds squawking right behind us,so loud you could feel it pounding your chest. I screamed "SASQUATCH" :like a reflex without even thinking about it we started running and quickly ran out of energy. We huddled behind a large stump that was covering our backs. We then took off our back packs and took out our hunting knives,we turned off our flashlights and prepared for battle.It sounded like the sound was moving around us but not getting any closer so after a few minutes of being totally freaked out we quietly put our back packs on and got out of there.As we walked the sound faded away from behind us and we started to feel more safe.We got such an energy rush knowing we witnessed something amazing.
Follow up:
I asked the witness to describe the sound he heard in greater depth,the following was his explanation;
"The only way to describe it is that it was like a gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogoll,gogol it was continuous,no breaks between,we were actually thinking there was more then one like one after another going back and forth and it may have been smashing branches and stomping to get that powerful bass sound.I don't think it was following us.I think it just wanted us out of it's neck of the woods".
I also asked the witness if he or his friends ever had a visual of what might have made the noises and the witness said "We had no visual and I don't regret it,I don't think I could of handled it at the time.Whatever it was,it was big".
Witness thinks it was in aug 2006 ,he could not confirm exact date of incident.
The experience happened in a wooded area about 2klm before Kwai Lake .
The witness had not heard of any previous incidents in this area.
The moon was bright,no clouds in area.
Between May and Aug of 2006 there were several reports all over Strathcona park which included possible Sasquatch sightings,rock throwing reports and vocalizations.
Wildlife biologist years earlier had lifted plaster moulds of Sasquatch tracks not far from this report at Lake Helen Mackenzie.
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