Monday, October 18, 2010

Comox Lake Sasquatch #2 ( Full Story)

Due to my first post  (Comox lake Sasquatch) getting so much interest ( net hits) I feel I owe it to my viewers to give them the complete story of my sighting .
Two of my brothers showed up from our home town , Duncan B.C for a visit.We had no intentions of going camping but decided on a whim as we were all pretty young back in the early 90's and like many other young people made a last minute decision .After packing some things we made our way to Comox lake
If my memory serves me correct it was around 12am when we left my house. (I have left my brothers names out as per request, so I will make them new names.) My brother Aaron was driving well my brother James was sitting in the middle back seat, I was riding shotgun.We were about 1klm from the lake (Courtenay's side) when way off in the distance we saw something move from right to left crossing the road just beyond the headlights , James said " Hey , did you guys see that?" I said "Yes , something walked across the road ", Aaron said "I didn't see anything" . The distance was quite far and it didn't look like anything more then a obscured dark shadow in the distance ( We gave this incident no more thought).
We arrived at the lake a few minutes later,we drove over the dam and checked a few different spots only to find others had already taken them .We cruised around for quite some time before becoming discouraged . We then decided to leave this area and head back to my place.
As we were driving away from the lake we were coming into an area known as the coal hills . ( The area has dramatically changed since the early 90's with tons of fill being added and a clear cut slash opposite the coal hills on the right hand side of the road.) As we rounded a bend on the road (high beams on) We saw a hair covered creature step out of the woods to our left,standing on two feet and moved quickly across the road to our right and into the woods , I figured it to be approximately 20' to 25' in front of us and was in full view of the headlights from head to toe. I estimated the creature to be 6'6" to 7' tall and blackish in color.I had enough time to observe it from head to toe ,what I noticed was it resembled an ape but moved more like a man.It's face was dark and it's eyes could not really be seen because of the shadowing of the night,the rest of it's body was covered with fur as well as the tops of it feet.When the creature was about a third of the way across the road it turned it's upper body and head towards us and then  turned away as it moved off the road and into the forest ( This sighting happened about 2klm further from the lake then what James and I had seen well coming into the lake ,what ever that may have been?) At this point all three of us were beside ourselves , there was a lot of excitement about what we had just seen.My brother Aaron put the peddle to the metal as we drove straight to the police station to report what we had just seen.
When we showed up to the Police station we were all still very excited over the whole experience .
I buzzed the intercom and the lady on the other end asked what it was we wanted . We said we wanted to talk to a constable about a Sasquatch we just saw out at Comox lake , she said "really?" I said "yes, my brother drove around a blind corner near comox lake and out came what looked like a Bigfoot right in front of us",she sounded just as excited as we were and said she would send a constable right out to talk to us.As soon as the constable came out he was kinda smirking and was quick to ask us if we had been drinking or doing any drugs ? We were quick to tell him that we had not and that they should probably get out there and take a look around . I said " if it's someone playing  a joke then there going to get hit and possibly even killed ". The constable did not at all seem interested in what we had just told him. He did say " look , I'll tell you what , we will send out some tourists tomorrow with some blaster and they can get some footprints casted " then he laughed .It was about then we left the station and headed home.
My brothers and I can say for 100% certainty that what we saw was absolutely not a bear and that it was a bipedal creature which looked like the Sasquatch/Bigfoot which was filmed by Roger Patterson( ) in Bluff creek during the late 1960's about the only difference is the Patterson/Gimlin footage was of a female, our sighting was of a male.

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